UMN and Silla University Inaugurate Korea Center Silla-UMN
May 29, 2015Rencang Day 2015: Have you called your parents today?
June 1, 2015Welcoming the era of the Asean Economic Community (AEC), at the graduation of VII this time UMN carries the theme “Nusantara Muda on the World Stage” with a Minangkabau cultural accent as a reflection of the archipelago. It is also interpreted as the spirit of youth in welcoming the era of globalization that is getting closer in front of the eyes. With the carrying out of this theme, it is expected that later UMN graduates can bring the name of Indonesia to the world stage both in the professional and entrepreneurship world. Currently, almost 90% of UMN graduates have been accepted to work or become technopreneurs.
As is known, compared to a number of countries in Southeast Asia, Indonesia can be said to be among the countries that are lagging behind. As an illustration, quoting from the Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises Anak Agung Gede Ngurah Puspayoga, the number of entrepreneurs in Singapore has reached 7% of the population, Malaysia 5%, and Thailand 3%. Meanwhile, Indonesia only has 1.65% of the population. This number is still very far from the target number of ideal entrepreneurs which is about 2% of the population. As for being able to be said as a developed country, the number of entrepreneurs even needs to reach 8% of the total population.
In line with this, in this graduation there was also the Minister of Technology Research and Higher Education, M. Nasir, who gave a public lecture on the importance of pursuing the path of education as a competitive provision in the global era and as a major factor in character formation and soft skills.
Nasir encouraged graduates as young graduates to create things related to nation-building, for example by establishing creative industries. To deal with the upcoming AEC, education also becomes a benchmark. The graduates are expected to be able to compete, fill and map the development of the country for the better. Especially, Nasir motivates graduates to become successful entrepreneurs. “Don’t think about how to find a job, but create a job! The next ten years can be a successful entrepreneur in this country, hopefully it can be realized,” he said.
On the same occasion, Ninok Leksono, as rector of UMN said, “It is a pride if UMN students can graduate on time or even faster than the specified target time. But it would be even more proud if UMN graduates can not only master academic competence, but also have emotional intelligence or soft skills that are very important for career and character development in the professional world”
Ninok also has high hopes for 370 UMN graduates at graduation VII this time. In addition to being expected to bring the name of his alma mater, they are also prepared carefully to become professionals who are experts in their fields and become reliable technopreneurs who can provide added value for Indonesia.
One of the ways that UMN does to hone the spirit of its student technopreneurs is through Skystar Ventures, UMN Business Incubator and the application of technopreneurship courses. Dreambox, a brand consultant, is a testament to its success. In this graduation, 5 people from Dreambox became graduates in this VII graduation.
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