Seminar Ultigraph UMN 2021: How Does A Designer Adapt to A New Condition
October 29, 2021
KSPM, Faculty of Business of UMN Holding Webinar Promoting Investment Literacy
October 29, 2021
The guide and speaker in the 2021 UMN Ultigraph workshop “How to Make an Impactful Digital Product” (doc. UMN)
TANGERANG – Ultigraph UMN 2021, an activity that is held every two years by students of the UMN Visual Communication Design Study Program, again holds various series of seminars and workshops. “How to Make an Impactful Digital Product” is one of a series of workshops held virtually on Thursday afternoon (28/10/21). On this occasion, Ultigraph UMN invited two speakers from Decodes Media, namely Founder and CEO of Decodes Media, Yohanes Chandra Wijaya and Media Software Engineer Decodes Media, Johanes Adhitya Hartanto.
Divided into two sessions, this workshop provides an understanding of how to create impactful digital products, both theoretically and practically. The Founder and CEO of Decodes Media, Yohanes Chandra Wijaya, said that the way to create impactful digital products is to provide product value to customers. This becomes important to display the uniqueness in the digital products offered.
“So, true satisfaction is whether the product you build has an impact, whether the product you build can last long term, and whether the product you provide can provide a solution. It’s not visible, but whether its implementation also provides the best solution for the community,” said Chandra.
In addition to product value, Chandra also mentions three other things that are reference aspects in making digital products. These three things include sustainable development: planning for sustainable digital product development, user experience: conducting research on users who will use our products, and business endurance: conducting future analysis of the business to plan sustainable innovation. To realize these aspects, Chandra also suggests the use of Agile methodology.
Furthermore, Chandra explained that there are four main concepts of this Agile methodology. First, it emphasizes the individual and interaction aspects rather than the processes and tools used. Second, see if the products used by customers are running well. Third, promote continuous collaboration with customers. Fourth, emphasize a flexible response to change. This can also be implemented through 7 stages, namely planning, design, development, testing, deployment, review, and launching.
Also read UMN Ultigraph Seminar 2021: Optimize Brand Customer Experience Through Design Thinking

Participants in the 2021 UMN Ultigraph workshop “How to Make an Impactful Digital Product” (doc. UMN)
In this workshop, participants were given the opportunity to be involved in implementing the implementation of this Agile methodology. It consists of planning, design, development, testing, and deployment stages. On the other hand, Media Software Engineer Decodes Media, Johanes Adhitya Hartanto also had the opportunity to provide an in-depth explanation of the process of making website development and application development. The two things are two examples of digital services that can be implemented through the use of this Agile method.
Reported from Instagram @ultigraph, Ultigraph is the largest graphic design festival organized by students under the auspices of the UMN Visual Communication Design Study Program. This year, Ultigraph UMN 2021 carries the theme “Kara Anagata” with the hope of updating the mindset of graphic designers towards a design so that it can have an impact on society. Ultigraph UMN 2021 this time consists of a series of interesting events, such as competitions, seminars, workshops, exhibitions, and Awarding Night.
By Melinda Chang | UMN News Service
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