Inauguration of Multimedia Nusantara Polytechnic: Collaboration for Indonesian Vocational
September 18, 2021
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September 20, 2021The 2015 Miss UMN election is getting closer to the top of the event. Twenty beautiful and talented finalists have been selected to be part of Miss UMN 2015. Now, the 20 people are following the quarantine period that has been going on from Friday, (2/10) to Monday, (5/10). Quarantine activities will be held in different places, in accordance with the agenda of the activity.
On the first day, the finalists took part in a styling class by Medica Levina, fashion designer of the MED by MedicaLevina clothing line. The class was then continued with make up class by MakeOver Indonesia. On the same day, the 20 finalists were also equipped with table manner classes held at Hotel Santika BSD. The series of activities then closed with a choreography class by Splurge and daily reflection with the miss UMN 2015 committee.
Saturday, (3/10), the Misses began the day with pilates guided by Splurge. After breakfast and preparing, the next quarantine agenda is a body language and attitude class with Yessinta Winarto, which will be continued with personality and psychology class. On the same day, the finalists will also be trained in social sensitivity in social awareness classes by Jurnal Perempuan. In addition, Jurnal Perempuan will also train the 20-person debate ability to be talented in the debate class.
The third day of the quarantine period begins with Zumba gymnastics to train the finalists’ body fitness. On the same day, the 20 finalists will be equipped with leadership skills through leadership class by Hendra Phua. Not only that, they will also be enriched in their insights on entrepreneurship in entrepreneurship class with Reiner Rahardja from The Accelerator Indonesia.
The series of quarantine activities then ended today, Monday, (5/10). On the last day of the quarantine period of Miss UMN 2015, the Misses will make a community visit to the Dwi Tuna Rawinala Education Foundation in Kramat Jati. The 20 finalists will then end the quarantine period with a catwalk and blocking class.
Also read Awarding Night Mr & Ms UMN 2020: Ulung dan Unggul
One of the things that distinguishes the series of quarantine events of the 20 miss UMN finalists this year from the quarantine of previous years is that during quarantine, the finalists no longer stay in hotels like previous years. The finalists of Miss UMN 2015 this time live together in a house in Bintaro number called “Beauty House”.
“We want to build a sense of family and independence from the finalists of Miss UMN 2015. A place that we feel is suitable to be able to build these values is a house because it is a more suitable place for various sessions, ranging from character building to sharing,” said Petra Usie Padondan, chairperson of the Miss UMN 2015 committee.
Usie then revealed that this series of quarantine activities was not carried out without a clear purpose. According to Usie, the quarantine session became the time when the finalists were formed and prepared themselves with various competencies gained during quarantine. The finalists are also expected to not only beautify her, but also her community as a family of Miss UMN 2015.
About Miss UMN
Miss UMN is an annual series of event held by Universitas Multimedia Nusantara to choose student that will represents UMN and Miss UMN’s values through Dedication Year. These student will be chosen through a Selection Process which comprises of Workshops, Talent Night, and Quarantine, before we select the chosen Miss UMN on the Awarding Night.
Miss UMN wish to develop women through our values; Brain, Beauty, and Behavior, and UMN’s 5C values, Credible, Competitive, Customer Delight, Caring, and Competent. These values will be carried on by our 20 finalist which will further continue our mission to their communities and surroundings.
Our goal is to prepare the chosen student with hard skills and soft skills for their service in Dedication Year, where they will serve the community according to the future programs. Not just that, the chosen student will be encouraged to join various event to showcase their personal skills and talent.
Miss UMN 2015 choose “The Power of Beauty” as our theme, for we believe that beauty is not just physical appearance. Beauty lies in a person’s action, mind, and heart. We believe, that beauty is a force, a catalyst that can change not only a single person for the good, but also everyone around them.
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