OMB 2017: Show Action Make Contribution
August 21, 2017
Excellent Young Generation and United in Diversity
August 24, 2017
New students of Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) are invited to get to know the campus environment and the theme of New Student Orientation 2017 through interactive studies
On the second day of the implementation of New Student Orientation (OMB) of Multimedia Nusantara University, Tuesday (08/22/17), participants were invited to apply the third principle in the OMB, namely the Act. Please note, OMB carries three main principles, namely Observe, Analyze, and Act.
Act activities are carried out with an interactive study model, which aims to introduce campus environments and OMB theme Green living in an interactive and fun way. There were six interactive studies that participants participated in, namely Correct or Out, Match The 5 C, Chain Image, Green Bingo, Know Your Event, and U-Proud. In the interactive study, groups that successfully followed well were rewarded. Each group should try to get as many reward stickers as they can and avoid punishment stickers. Based on the number of reward stickers obtained, cohesiveness, and tasks performed, the group of 42 (Burung Kuang) was selected as the best group in OMB 2017.

There were six interactive studies that participants participated in, namely Correct or Out, Match The 5 C, Chain Picture, Green Bingo, Know Your Event, and U-Proud.
As on the first day, the second day OMB was also filled with large mentor sessions by Ign. Aryo Gurmilang. In a large mentor session, Aryo said that students should enjoy every lecture process because there will be many tasks that must be done optimally. He also appealed that new students would not only be active in academic activities, but also have to carve out achievements in non-academic activities. The event was then continued with the raising of force appointments and student appointments made by participants and OMB organizers. A total of 7 class leaders also led the art stage as a form of contribution from the 2017 freshmen by singing the song “Heal The World” together.
(Read more: OMB 2017: Tunjukkan Aksi Nyatakan Kontribusi)
As the conclusion of the series of OMB activities, the inaugural procession was carried out lively with percussion played by the committee. In this procession, new students receive a Student Id Card as a symbol that they have officially joined the large family of students of Multimedia Nusantara University. This procession was accompanied by Mars OMB which was cheered with enthusiasm by both participants and the OMB committee. (*)
by: Public Relations OMB UMN 2017 – Universitas Multimedia Nusantara News Service
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