Studying While Working Freelance? Check Out Some Types of Freelancing Based on Your Major!
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November 13, 2023Freelancing tips while studying that you can do – Source: www.pexels.com/@caio/
Freelance tips while studying! – When you are a student, there are times when you have some free time. That free time can be spent by finding additional pocket money or income by working freelance.
Usually, when entering college, especially in your later semesters, you will have more time than in your earlier semesters. In addition, your abilities and skills are also qualified to prepare you to enter the world of work.
Before seeing the freelance tips, let’s first recognize what freelance/freelancing is.
What is Freelance?
The word freelance itself was known in the 19th century and popularized by a figure named Sir Walter Scott. At that time, freelance referred to mercenaries in medieval times. The soldier will fight for the country or any party, paying them the most expensive price.
Over time, the word freelance has changed its meaning. Now, the term freelance refers to a job that does not require long-term ties. Work contracts are usually done with an agreement within a certain period of time and pay.
Then, what is the difference between freelance and part-time?
Also read: Freelance Work While Studying? Here’s how!
Difference between Freelance and Part-Time
Freelance and part-time seem to have the same meaning, but it turns out that they are pretty different. The essential difference between the two is in the working hours. Freelance itself is measured by the number of projects worked on. Meanwhile, part-time is measured by the number of hours worked.
In addition, the difference between the two also lies in the work system. Freelance tends to have flexible time, but some deadlines must be completed. Meanwhile, part-time work is more regular, but the workload is less heavy than full-time.
So, how do you prepare yourself as a freelancer?
Tips for Starting Freelance
There are several tips you can do when you want to start freelancing, including:
1. Get to know yourself
The first step you can take when you want to work freelance is to recognize yourself. You must know the interests and talents that each of you has.
By recognizing yourself, you will be enthusiastic about doing freelance work in the future because it matches your interests and talents.
In addition, you can also upgrade your skills or abilities by attending training and the like. If you are likened to you are investing in the form of knowledge that you can practice when you work later.
2. Try it first
After you recognize yourself, the next step is to try a freelance job. You can look for jobs that suit your interests and talents. You can look for it from various existing platforms, or from your acquaintances.
At the beginning of being a freelance, finding work is certainly not easy. You can search or offer the services or skills you have on social media or to your colleagues.
You can also customize the work you seek with the time, pay, and work system you want. Remember to build trust and credibility with clients.
3. Reproduce your work and build a portfolio
After you have done the steps above, remember to multiply your work by looking for other freelance jobs. Every time you finish a project, you can include the project in your portfolio so the next client can see your work.
4. Conduct market analysis and research
Before you start freelancing, doing market analysis and research is also good. You can find out the estimated fee or rate of the type of work you will be doing. In addition, you can also see people who have entered the freelance world first and create a profile that looks more professional.
Also read: Calling Out Prospective Graduates, Here Are Tips for Building a Career Plan
Well, UMN friends, those are some tips that you can do when you want to work freelance while studying. The most important thing is to stay focused on the lectures you are going through. We hope the tips we shared can be of use!
Written by Benedictus Adithia | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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