Jakarta World Forum for Media Development 2016
September 16, 2016
Discussing Media Development From Many Perspectives
September 21, 2016After the success of the inaugural implementation last year, UMN again held VIT C 2016 in order to instill the values of 5C Kompas Gramedia to campus learners. The event, which was held from September 13 to October 8, also carried the spirit of UMN towards the green campus.
As a campus that applies the values of Kompas Gramedia (Caring, Credible, Competent, Competitive, Costumer Delight or 5C), UMN invites and encourages its students to be able to always live and live 5C through various activities. “It is expected that later will be born the next generations of the nation who not only have an assessment about academics but also pay attention to the value of soft skills,” said Yanuar Hamzah, managing chairman of VIT C 2016.
UMN always gives appreciation to its students who are active in non-academic activities by providing SKKM points. However, they are still encouraged not to attend the activities just to get the points only, as expressed by Vice Rector for Student Affairs Ika Yanuarti in the opening of VIT C, Tuesday (13/9), “Indeed get points, but follow the activity actively and feel the benefits,” he explained.
VIT C week was officially opened by UMN Rector Dr. Ninok Leksono with the beating of gongs, followed by the announcement of the winner of the VIT C 2016 logo design. There are three winners; Franko (DKV, Champion 3), Jessica (DKV, Champion 2) and the logo by Pujita Nanda (DKV) were selected as the first champions.
Vit C series held for four weeks has many interesting activities such as seminars on the environment and health, tree planting movements, personal branding, to competitions such as story telling competitions, the selection of anti-drug ambassadors and dare to move competitions. At the peak of the event on October 8, 2016, there will be sports and breakfast together, followed by the announcement of the winner and the awarding of the award. (*)
by Debora Thea – Universitas Multimedia Nusantara News Service
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