University Board Member
Andrey Andoko, is no stranger to the world of mass media. Before finally serving as Rector at UMN, Andrey had made significant contributions to the media industry and its progress.
Working as an academician has been her ambition since Ika Yanuarti was in college. She was taking her undergraduate programme in Management in University of Surabaya when she started to teach as lecturer assistant.
Friska Natalia menerima gelar Ph.D. di bidang Teknik Industri dari Universitas Kyungsung, Busan, Republik Korea pada tahun 2012.
Florentina Kurniasari studied Master in Business Management from the Asian Institute of Management (AIM), Philippines and a Doctorate in Economics from Trisakti University, Jakarta. Her expertise is in Finance and Strategic Management. Dr. Florentina is active in writing scientific papers in the form of books and journals both nationally and internationally indexed by Scopus.
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After completing his undergraduate education at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) Material Engineering Study Program in 2005, Niki Prastomo had the opportunity to continue his Postgraduate studies through the AUN / SEED-Net program – JICA Scholarship at the School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
Cahya Daulay started his career in the creative industry after graduating from the Faculty of Art and Design (FSRD) ITB and initiating as a 2D Lead Artist to becoming an IP Division Head at Matahari Studios, one of the earlier game developer studios in Indonesia.
Florentina Kurniasari studied Master in Business Management from the Asian Institute of Management (AIM), Philippines and a Doctorate in Economics from Trisakti University, Jakarta.
Faculty: Communication Science
Study Program: Communication Science
Before serving as head of the Information Systems (SI) study program, Ririn Eka Desanti started her career as an assistant lecturer at Pelita Harapan University (UPH) in 2003.
Samuel completed his Masters in 2014 from the University of Indonesia. Prior to entering the world of education, he worked as an IT Consultant in a Systems Integrator company. With a fairly mature background in the industrial world, he decided to become an educator until now.
Ahmad Syahril Muharom is a professional in the field of electrical engineering who has a very strong educational background. He completed his undergraduate degree at the Indonesian Education University with expertise in industrial electronics and then earned a Master of Engineering degree in intelligent control systems at the Bandung Institute of Technology in 2017.
Muhammad Salehuddin served as Head of the Engineering Physics Study Program at the age of 28. This made him the youngest Head of Study Program at Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN). The man who was born in Bontang, East Kalimantan, is a graduate of the Master’s Degree in Instrumentation and Control – ITB and a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering Physics at the same institution.
Kus Sudarsono S.E., M.Sn. began serving as Head of the Film and Television Study Program in 2017. This man who graduated from the University of Indonesia with a major in economics has work experience in the field of Human Resources (HR) as a consultant, before finally continuing his career in other fields for 10 years.
Stefanus Ariyanto completed his undergraduate education at the University of Indonesia in 1995 and completed his master’s degree at the Masters Program in Accounting, University of Indonesia in 2008.
Fonita Theresia Yoliando, S.Ds., M.A. is an almamater of the Visual Communication Design Study Program at Universitas Multimedia Nusantara with the title of ‘Best Graduate’ in 2011, who then continued his education at UCSI University Malaysia in the Master of Art and Design program.
After graduating from the University of Indonesia, Cendera Rizky’s career as a practitioner in various roles began in 2008 at PT. Langgeng Pariwara Internasional as a media planner and WWF Indonesia as a media content developer.
Helga Liliani Cakra Dewi is an alumni of the Multimedia Nusantara University Communication Studies Program. After graduating from S1, he received a scholarship from UMN to continue his studies in Busan, Korea. After returning from her master’s studies, Helga had the opportunity to join a multinational advertising company to gain hands-on experience in the industry.
Sebelas Maret University (UNS) and the University of Indonesia both award Purnamaningsih a Bachelor of Management and a Masters in Marketing, respectively (UI). He lectures in marketing at Multimedia Nusantara University, covering topics such integrated marketing communications, consumer behavior, and marketing management.
Arya Wicaksana is an Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Informatics at Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN), Indonesia.
Prio Utomo obtained his Master of Professional Computing from the University of Southern Queensland (Australia) and a Doctorate in management research from Bina Nusantara University. Dr. Prio also attended non-formal education in the field of Strategic Decision and Risks Management; Advanced Project Management from Stanford University in the United States
Oqke Prawira is a Hospitality Professional, graduated with Master’s Degree in Hospitality Human Resources and has international working experiences. His strong background are in culinary, kitchen management, and hospitality lecture. He contributed from Consultant and Managing Director in setting up new businesses in both culinary and education industry across Indonesia.
Samiaji Bintang Nusantara has worked in journalism for almost 15 years before joining Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN).
Through her roles as an educator, researcher, and curator, Hedista is committed to advancing sustainable and contextual architectural practices