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January 8, 2025Teddy Surianto hands over the Decree of Appointment to the New Rector, Andrey Andoko. (Doc. UMN)
Tangerang (16/12/2024) – After serving for 13 years, Ninok Leksono is officially entering his retirement period. Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) has also officially inaugurated Andrey Andoko as the new Rector. This handover of position gives Andrey momentum to continue UMN’s vision and mission and develop it in many ways. The Inauguration and Handover of the UMN Rector Position is a historic moment for UMN.
Ninok Leksono served as Rector of Universitas Multimedia Nusantara from 2011 to 2024. Before serving as rector, Ninok was a senior editor at Kompas Daily and editor-in-chief at Kompas.com. Ninok has an interest in education, especially ICT, which is in line with UMN’s vision and mission as an educational institution that focuses on technology development and innovation.
Irwan delivers his speech in the position of UMN Rector. (Doc. UMN)
“I knew Ninok and Andrey when they were at Kompas. Both had a big role in building and developing Kompas.com to its success before they moved on to UMN. Now, they continue their contribution by creating UMN. Jakob always reminds us that we don’t need to focus on making money; we just need to work properly. Customer satisfaction will bring customers back by itself, especially in the world of education, where many aspects must be considered, from human resources to facilities,” Irwan Oetama, Trustee of the Multimedia Nusantara Foundation, said.
For Irwan, Ninok has given a lot of good things to UMN, as seen from UMN’s progress, which continues to present various good things until now. Irwan also expressed his pride in Ninok, Andrey, and the entire UMN academic community for the various achievements that have been made. These achievements include awards at the national and international levels, including UMN’s latest achievement, which was achieving QS Star.
Ninok began his position as the UMN Rector after being directly chosen by Jakob Oetama, the founder of Kompas Gramedia. Starting his career, Ninok continued to advance UMN, as can be seen from the accreditations achieved by UMN both nationally and internationally in a short period of time.
Teddy delivering his speech in the handover of the rector position (Doc. UMN)
“Ninok took office in 2011. At that time, Ninok received the blessing of Jakob to become the UMN Rector. This is the starting point for Ninok to join UMN. Of course, I was delighted because Ninok is my friend. I am happy and proud to know him well because he has multiple intelligences, such as intelligence in science and technology, intelligence in interpersonal relationships, and reliable communication skills,” Ir. Teddy Surianto, Chairman of the Multimedia Nusantara Foundation, said.
Teddy also expressed his gratitude and appreciation to Ninok and Andrey for their efforts in advancing the UMN campus and making it more inclusive. Teddy is also proud of the dedication and commitment that the two have shown. Given the increasingly complex and dynamic global challenges, he hopes that UMN will be even better in the future.
Signing of the Rector’s Letter and Handover of Position (Doc. UMN)
The event continued with the new Rector’s Inauguration, the reading of the Rector Decree, and the signing of the Rector’s letter by Ninok, Andrey, and Teddy. Then, remarks from Andrey as the inaugurated UMN Rector, followed by remarks from Ninok and Muliawati.
“To me, this is a mandate to continue advancing UMN, and it is not easy. We will face many new challenges, such as the global economy, technological developments, and sustainability issues. Competition will also be tighter in universities both domestically and abroad. This requires us to keep changing and facing these challenges so that UMN is relevant in society,” Andrey said in his speech.
Andrey delivered his opening remarks at the handover ceremony. (Doc. UMN)
Andrey hopes that UMN will continue developing and achieving its position as a world-class university while adhering to the Tri Dharma of Higher Education principles. To realize this, Andrey will emphasize the importance of critical and creative thinking, soft skills, and hard skills. UMN is committed to remaining relevant in educating and enlightening society.
Ninok ends his term at the end of 2024, leaving a legacy of dedication and unforgettable contributions to UMN. During his leadership, Ninok has played a major role in advancing UMN and strengthening UMN’s position as an excellent university.
In his speech, Ninok said goodbye as a Rector after serving for 13 years and 9 months. During this period, Ninok carried out his duties wholeheartedly, seriously, and responsibly in carrying out the mandate from Jakob Oetama. Thanks to his dedication, UMN managed to develop and grow well. Ninok also carried out Jakob Oetama’s message to be a speaker who instilled the values of unity and tolerance and made UMN a “Mini Indonesia,” which led to the creation of a peaceful and harmonious campus atmosphere.
Ninok added that he had planned to retire for four years, reminding participants that “everyone has their time, and every time has its someone.” He hopes that UMN’s new leaders will continue to live up to the nobility and generosity taught by Jakob Oetama.
Ninok delivered his opening remarks during the handover ceremony (Doc. UMN)
“For me, all members of the UMN community are my friends, companions, and children. I want to thank all the community members who made UMN a tolerant and peaceful institution. I run everything with a sense of responsibility and discipline. Congratulations to Mr. Andrey. The challenges ahead will not be easy, and you must be able to change UMN from good to great,” Ninok said.
Besides Ninok, Muliawati G. Siswanto, the Vice-Rector for Relations and Cooperation, is also entering her retirement period. Since joining UMN in 2007, Muliawati has shown extraordinary commitment to developing UMN’s cooperation and collaboration with various higher education institutions and companies at the national and international levels.
Muliawati at the opening of the position handover. (Doc. UMN)
“Hopefully, in the future, UMN will be even more successful. It’s time for me to retire and express my sincere gratitude. I thank the ranks of the UMN Rectorate for involving me in work, and of course, I thank all my friends in UMN who always make UMN good and conducive,” said Muliawati G. Siswanto.
The Inauguration and Handover of the UMN Rector Position became a memorable moment and unforgettable memory for Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. Thank you to Ninok and Prof. Muliawati for their dedication and commitment to continuing to guide UMN as an excellent university. Congratulations to Andrey on being elected as the new UMN Rector, and we wish him the biggest luck in carrying out his mandate to lead and guide UMN in a better direction.
By Rachel Tiffany Tanukusuma & Patricia Valencia | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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