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June 20, 2023Management Study Program received a 2 Billion grant for the WMK program. (Doc. UMN)
TANGERANG – The Management Study Program team at Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) managed to get a grant of 2 billion Rupiah for the implementation of the Ministry of Research and Technology’s Wirausaha Merdeka (Wirausaha Merdeka Kemendikbud Ristek/WMK) program. The UMN program is themed “Creating Digitalization of Entrepreneurial Innovation through Action Based Entrepreneurial Education Approach for Sustainable Economic Development.” The project announcement was made on Wednesday (14/6/2023).
WMK is part of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology’s Independent Campus (Kampus Merdeka) program, allowing students to learn and develop into future entrepreneurs through activities outside the lecture classroom.
UMN’s WMK 2023 Program Executive Chair, Dr. Hendy Tannady, explained that in the second volume of WMK 2023, UMN succeeded for the first time in becoming a WMK Implementing University out of the 34 selected universities– as well as being the only private university in the Higher Education Service Institution (Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi/LLDikti) region 3.
“According to the assessor team, what UMN offers in the proposal is the complexity of the activities, involving qualified SMEs, good teaching materials, and filled with a very competent teaching team. The teaching team is a combination of academics, practitioners, and business owners, there are 24 of them who have excellent competence and experience to be given to WMK program participants,” Hendy explained.
The WMK program collaborates with the Program Implementing Universities (Perguruan Tinggi Pelaksana) to develop entrepreneurial learning to hone the entrepreneurial spirit, encourage increased entrepreneurial experience, and increase student employability.
To ignite interest and enthusiasm in entrepreneurship, instilling a mindset and basic competencies in the field of entrepreneurship, encouraging increased entrepreneurial experience, increasing employability, and helping to increase the capacity and quality of students as college graduates.
The program proposed by UMN has as many as 300 students consisting of an estimated 180 student participants from UMN and 120 student participants from UMN partner campuses from Jakarta and Banten. UMN’s teaching team and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) will educate and guide participants.
The implementation team from UMN consists of the Management Study Program, Master of Technology Management Study Program, Skystar, Bureau of Finance, and Bureau of Academic Information. The concept of WMK from UMN is that students learn from SMEs with the first 4 weeks of lectures, 8 weeks of internships at SMEs, 4 weeks of finalizing feasibility study reports, and product demo days.
“So, each campus that becomes the program implementation team may have different contents. At WMK in UMN, we focus on discussing the fundamentals of entrepreneurship for the first 4 weeks as a basic provision before participants are accepted into SMEs for the next 8 weeks. Regarding meetings, meetings 1 to 4 will be held onsite and meetings 5 to completion will be held online,” Hendy said.
This project has been running since Monday (12/6/2023), and the team has started to create modules, flyers, and promotional media for students, partner campuses, and Higher Education. The team will be gathered again to present the progress of this project. Then it will end in December 2023 with a student business Demo Day.
There are 5 categories of provisions for student business types and SME fields in this WMK program, namely:
- Food and Beverage
- Fashion
- Creative Industry (agency, photography)
- Craft Products (knitting shoes, accessories, etc.)
- Technology and Digital (e-commerce, website, application, and artificial intelligence)
Hendy hopes that with this WMK program, students can gain new business knowledge from SMEs and achieve the promised outcomes. So that all student groups that create businesses have a good feasibility study and can get to the prototype that will be presented at the end of the program.
by Annisa Maulida | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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