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April 3, 2023
Congratulations! UMN’s Communications Distance Learning Program Received Accreditation B from BAN-PT.
April 3, 2023Doc. UMN
TANGERANG – UMN’s Faculty of Business with Accounting, Management, and Master of Technology Management study programs have been accredited by FIBAA.
Unceasingly developing, the three study programs of UMN’s Faculty of Business, namely the undergraduate program of Accounting, Management, and the Master of Technology Management program, have now been accredited by FIBAA. With this accreditation, the three study programs have been recognized internationally.
FIBAA is a national and international quality assurance accreditation agency that bases its assessment on international standards, especially the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG). At the global level, FIBAA, as a quality assurance institution, has also been officially recognized by various countries such as the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, and Kazakhstan, and cooperates with various other quality assurance institutions in Australia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Netherlands, Poland, and Russia. By participating in this accreditation, FIBAA will give its seal of quality to higher education institutions and programs of high quality around the world.
The Dean of the UMN Faculty of Business, Dr. Florentina Kurniasari T., S. Sos., MBM, revealed that the UMN Faculty of Business had previously been accredited nationally by BAN-PT.
“Nationally, we have been accredited, the management and accounting study programs is accredited ‘A,’ and MMT is ‘Excellent.’ Through this international accreditation, we support UMN’s vision of becoming a World Class University,” Florentina said.
To get this FIBAA accreditation, Florentina said that many preparations were made over the past two years to ensure the required documents and prepare an international standard curriculum.
“The challenge is that when preparing the curriculum, the curriculum prepared with international standards must follow the OBE (Outcome Based Education) curriculum process, and how to measure it so that students are ensured to achieve ELO (Expected Learning Outcome). Because FIBAA gives accreditation on curriculums,” Florentina said.
Accreditation activity in progress (doc. UMN)
Florentina explained that to get to this stage, it takes a variety of efforts starting from participating in comparative studies to participating in special technical guidance held by DIKTI for study programs that want to apply for international accreditation.
“The three study programs that received FIBAA international accreditation are not the last study programs that will carry out international accreditation this year, and we hope that other study programs can get the results they want to achieve,” Florentina added.
By obtaining this FIBAA International Accreditation, Florentina hopes that the learning process will be internationally oriented in the future.
“More and more classes will be conducted in English. And we also hope that with the international accreditation that has been obtained, we can also network, get partners, international cooperation partners, and of course attract foreign students to study in Indonesia, especially UMN,” Florentina said.
Dr. Friska Natalia, S.Kom., M.T., the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, was also pleased with the achievements made by the Faculty of Business, especially the Accounting, Management, and Master of Technology Management study programs.
“Of course, we at UMN are very happy with this achievement because this is one of UMN’s milestones towards a World Class University where UMN continues to strive to improve and maintain the quality of education so that graduates can compete globally,” Friska said.
Friska said that obtaining this international accreditation can increase international recognition and the intake of international students at UMN, especially in the three study programs.
“The hope is, of course, that the Faculty of Business will grow and also be able to excel in the national and international scope so that students who study at UMN can also be recognized internationally, and when they graduate it will be very possible to excel in competing globally,” She concluded.
By Ghina Salsabila | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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