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March 1, 2024UMN’s KSPM won the Phillip Investment Gallery Award 2023 for the “Highest Transaction Value” category on Friday (16/02/23) (Doc. Wanda Gema)
TANGERANG – UMN’s Capital Market Study Group (Kelompok Studi Pasar Modal /KSPM) won the Phillip Investment Gallery Award 2023 for the “Highest Transaction Value” category on Friday (16/02/23). KSPM UMN received 3 million Rupiah in Phillip Coin and a certificate through this achievement.
“I am proud because all the hard work that KSPM UMN has put in has paid off,” said a lecturer in UMN’s Management Study Program, Wanda Gema Prasadio Akbar Hidayat, who represented UMN during the announcement of the Phillip Investment Gallery Award 2023 winners.
At least, the total transaction value of buying and selling shares at KSPM UMN in 2023 reached IDR 79 billion. Wanda also said that KSPM UMN will continue to increase this transaction value.
“The trick is to continue to increase the interest of the UMN community to invest through events that are held annually,” Wanda continued.
The Phillip Investment Gallery Award 2023 is a special award for investment galleries assisted by Phillip Sekuritas Indonesia. Universities throughout Indonesia that work with Phillip Sekuritas Indonesia also participate in this event.
There are three award categories in the Phillip Investment Gallery Award 2023. First, the “Most Securities Account Openings” category was won by Sam Ratulangi University. Then, “Highest Transaction Value” which was won by UMN. Lastly, the “Best Program” won by Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
KSPM UMN has been an investment gallery assisted by Phillip Sekuritas Indonesia since 2018. The organization, which also collaborates with the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), is a means for UMN students to learn investment in the capital market.
By Melinda Chang | UMN News Team
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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