UMB Yogyakarta’s Comparative Study to UMN: A Strong Signal for Digital Study Program Development?
February 18, 2025
UMN’s Permanent Professor Inauguration, A New Step to Encourage Educational Progress
February 27, 2025Group Photo of UMN and Ciputra University (Doc. UMN)
Tangerang – On (23/01/2025) the Faculty of Arts and Design (Fakultas Seni & Desain/FSD) of Universitas Multimedia Nusantara University received a visit from the Faculty of Creative Industry of Ciputra University. This visit involved three FSD UMN study programs: Film, VCD, and Architecture.
Ciputra University was established in 1990. It is located in Surabaya, East Java, and has various faculties. On this occasion, FSD UMN and the Faculty of Creative Industry at Ciputra University had the opportunity to discuss and share insights from each faculty member.
“In FSD UMN, we learn many things, not only design, to be involved in Film and VCD. In addition, sciences outside FSD, such as law and psychology can also learn the program. In each study program, there will also be specializations that will later be signed by students as a form of their commitment in choosing that specialization,” Fonita, Head of the VCD UMN Study Program, explained.
Fonita added that FSD UMN students are free to choose topics according to their interests when creating works such as movies, booklets, books, or other works, but they must still implement all learning from FSD.
In this discussion, Marina Wardaya, S.Sn., M.M., M.Ds., a representative of VCD Lecturer at Ciputra University, also discussed learning at the Faculty of Creative Industry.
“We are working with many universities from countries such as Japan and Malaysia to implement SDGs in all our courses. The SDGs are very broad and complex, so it will not be easy for us to develop them ourselves,” Marina said.
Marina also agreed that many sciences are currently mixed into student work. For Marina, things like this are very good for students to explore. Of course, they cannot be done recklessly, and experts in their fields are still needed.
“Seeing the art show program that UMN quite often holds, we are interested in inviting FSD UMN to join our international conference. We hope that UMN can join the 14 other universities,” Enrico, S.Sn., M.Ds., the FDB Lecturer Representative, said.
Muhammad Cahya Mulya Daulay, S.Sn., M.Ds., the Head of the UMN Film Study Program, also welcomed this collaboration. For Cahya, this could help UMN and Ciputra University develop together and achieve the same goals, such as publication.
By Rachel Tiffany Tanukusuma | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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