The Architecture Major and Its Career Opportunities
August 8, 2022
UMN Passed the 2022 Independent Campus Competition Program
August 11, 2022TANGERANG – In an aim to realize the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) conducted a comparative study visit to Parahyangan Catholic University (Universitas Katolik Parahyangan/UNPAR) and Indonesian Computer University (Universitas Komputer Indonesia/UNIKOM) in Bandung on (02/08/22).
Various UMN representatives represented this comparative study at the two universities in Bandung: Dr. Ninok Leksono (Rector), Prof. Dr. Muliawati G. Siswanto (Vice Chancellor of Relations and Cooperation), Dr. Ir. PM. Winarno (Director of the Institute for Research and Community Service), Muhammad Cahya Mulya Daulay (Dean of the Faculty of Art and Design), Ahmad Syahril Muharrom (Head of the Electrical Engineering Study Program), and Irma Desiyana (Head of the Architecture Study Program).
“This comparative study visit is a concrete act of cooperation between universities and to realize the Independent Learning-Independent Campus (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka/MBKM) program,” Muliawati explained. Previously, UMN had signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) virtually in a collaboration focused on MBKM programs with UNPAR and UNIKOM.
Ninok added that this visit was also to establish good relations between UMN and universities considered superior in fields that were also UMN’s interest to achieve the same excellence.
“This comparative study visit is also a part of UMN’s policy to practice ‘good neighborhood citizenship,'” Ninok said.
Also read: UMN and UNPAR Cooperate in the Development of Tri Dharma and MBKM.
UMN visited UNPAR and UNIKOM to conduct comparative studies of different study programs. During the visit to UNPAR, UMN discussed the Visual Communication Design (VCD), Architecture, and Electrical Engineering study programs.
“We discussed possible collaboration between UMN and UNPAR’s Architecture study program in developing green architecture. In addition, there is also a plan to collaborate in the field of community service on smart village development and the empowerment of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs),” Ninok explained.
UMN also had the opportunity to see artifacts from UNPAR students’ work, such as mecanum wheel robots, wheelchairs with DC servo motors, and other practical equipment.
When discussing about the Electrical Engineering major with Dr. Ir. Bagus Arthaya, the Lecturer of Mechatronics Engineering at UNPAR, there were courses not found in the Electrical Engineering major at UMN, such as statistics, dynamics, kinematics, and machine elements. UNPAR offers UMN students to take the mechanical engineering courses at the UNPAR campus, which can contribute to the MBKM program. In addition, in 2023, UNPAR will carry out a new curriculum revision and would like to invite UMN to partner in developing this curriculum.
“We also discussed the implementation of university governance tasks. How do we face the challenges of the disruption of higher education that is happening today and the changing needs of the industry for university graduates,” Ninok said.
Also read: UMN and UNIKOM signed the MoU on Cooperation in 3 Programs.
During the visit to UNIKOM, a university specializing in technology and information, UMN and UNIKOM discussed a topic regarding robotics development. UMN itself has an interest in the field of robotics. As previously reported, Muliawati, at the odd semester academic meeting last month, revealed UMN’s plan to create a “UMN Robot.”
In addition to discussing the field of robotics, UMN also plans to conduct lecture exchanges with UNIKOM. One of the goals of UMN visiting UNIKOM is to learn how UMN can win international robotics tournaments like UNIKOM students. The UNIKOM Robotics Team is known to have won several international robotics tournaments. In 2018, they won 4 gold, 1 silver, and 2 bronze medals at The Annual 14th Robogames 2018, an international robot competition held in Pleasanton, California, United States.
“If UMN wants to make robots that can advance robot contests, instead of sending UMN students to UNIKOM, I’ll just visit UMN and give lectures on the UMN campus for one semester,” Dr. Yusrila Kerloza, Directorate of Innovation and Competition UNIKOM, said.
Ninok and Muliawati expressed their satisfaction and happiness from the results of the comparative study visit with UNPAR and UNIKOM. “Both universities are outstanding private universities that excel in their fields. It is hoped that the collaboration plans that have been discussed can be realized optimally,” Muliawati said.
“This visit is expected to be followed by further discussions to move forward with the collaboration. The MoU does not only stop at the agreement paper, but is followed up with activities that provide additional benefits for UMN, UNPAR, and UNIKOM,” Ninok concluded.
By Levina Chrestella Theodora | UMN News Service
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