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October 23, 2024UMN is trusted to host the “Strengthening Infocomm Study Programs Towards Excellent Accreditation” activity in the LLDIKTI Region III and LLDIKTI Region IV. (Doc. UMN)
TANGERANG – Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) is trusted to host the “Strengthening Infocomm Study Programs Towards Excellent Accreditation” activity within the Higher Education Service Institute (Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi/LLDIKTI) Region III and LLDIKTI Region IV. The activity, which took place on September 13-14, 2024, was organized by the Informatics and Computer Self-Accreditation Institute (Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Informatika dan Komputer/LAM Infokom).
“Of course, UMN is very proud to have been trusted to be the host, and UMN will continue to provide support for various activities organized by LAM Infokom,” said the Chief Executive of this activity as well as the Head of UMN Information Systems, Ririn Ikana Desanti, S.Kom., M.Kom..
Ririn explained that UMN does have a very good relationship with the Association of Higher Education Informatics and Computers (Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Informatika dan Komputer/APTIKOM), the association that initiated LAM Infokom. UMN’s Vice Rector I for Academic Affairs, Dr. Friska Natalia, S.Kom., M.T., is also a member of the APTIKOM central board.
In terms of fulfilling the LAM Infokom accreditation standards, Ririn revealed that UMN’s Faculty of Engineering and Informatics has also had an Outcome-Based Education (OBE) curriculum since 2021. This OBE curriculum is the main reference for the LAM Infokom accreditation standards.
Hundreds of participants from various universities received intensive training on strategies to achieve superior accreditation. (Doc. UMN)
In the activity in mid-September 2024, there were at least 215 participants from 103 universities, mainly in the LLDIKTI III and IV areas of Banten Province, who participated in this activity. During those two days, participants received intensive training on strategies to achieve superior accreditation, from completing the Self Evaluation Report (Laporan Evaluasi Diri/LED) to implementing Outcome-Based Education (OBE) in the curriculum. Through this training, Ririn also hopes that all Infocomm Study Programs will succeed in obtaining the Excellent accreditation.
“On the first day, participants received comprehensive material on building an effective university quality assurance system. Then, on the second day, participants in groups were given directions to compile the LAM Infokom accreditation instrument using 9 criteria,” Ririn explained.
By Melinda Chang | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
Kuliah di Jakarta untuk jurusan program studi Informatika| Sistem Informasi | Teknik Komputer | Teknik Elektro | Teknik Fisika | Akuntansi | Manajemen| Komunikasi Strategis | Jurnalistik | Desain Komunikasi Visual | Film dan Animasi | Arsitektur | D3 Perhotelan , di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. www.umn.ac.id