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UMN’s Film “Ahasveros” Becomes Indonesia’s Representative in Asia’s Prestigious Films
November 8, 2022The film “Blackout” won the Next Generation Winner category at the 24th DigiCon6 Asia. (Doc. DIGICON 6)
TANGERANG – The UMN Film & Animation student team named Triple Motion won the Next Generation position at the 24th DigiCon6 Asia event for the Indonesian region on Friday (9/9/22). This achievement was obtained through a short animated film entitled “Blackout.”
“The Next Generation category is almost the same as the Runner Up category, which means that our works and efforts have outstanding potential as the next generation,” Fair Azhar, the director of the film “Blackout” and student of Film & Animation at UMN, explained.
The five-minute animated film tells the story of a lonely worker obsessed with technology. He could not distinguish the real and virtual worlds until, eventually, the virtual world collapsed. The background story in this film also carries the concept of virtual reality.
The animated film “Blackout” won the Next Generation award at the 24th DigiCon6 Asia – Indonesia Region. (Doc. Faiz Azhar)
It all started as a Semester Final Exam project at UMN. Faiz and his colleagues in Triple Motion admitted that they did not expect “Blackout” to win in the prestigious film event. What’s more, Faiz said the film was produced in a minimal time.
“If there is another opportunity, we want to make more mature works and fully use our skills,” Faiz said.
After winning the 24th DigiCon6 Asia at the national level, the film “Blackout” will also represent Indonesia in international competitions. The film will compete with various representatives from Asia at the 24th DigiCon6 Asia Award Ceremony at Marunouchi Hall, Tokyo, Japan, on November 19, 2022.
As reported from the Instagram account @jf_jakarta, the DigiCon6 Asia Award is the most prestigious digital content award in Asia, organized by Tokyo Broadcasting System Holdings, Inc. The participating countries include Indonesia, Cambodia, Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong, India, Iran, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Uzbekistan, and Japan.
Besides “Blackout,” the film “Ahasveros” from UMN Pictures also represented Indonesia at the international 24th Digicon6 Asia Award. Meanwhile, “Ahasveros” won Silver Winner 1 at the 24th DigiCon6 Asia at the national level.
For information, Triple Motion is an animation team initiated by UMN students in the “Animation Pre-Production” course since semester 3. They consist of Faiz Azhar, Fabian Emillio, Fajar Ponco Suryo, Angie Audelia, and Falmahyra Kezia. Triple Motion is currently producing the animated trailer for “Tales From The Winter” and the animated short “Blackout.”
by Melinda Chang | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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