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July 17, 2023UMN students from various majors passed the PKM-PI funding on Friday (16/6/23).
TANGERANG – The Ministry of Research and Technology announced that UMN students passed the Student Creativity Program for the Application of Science and Technology (Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa-Penerapan IPTEK/PKM-PI) funding on Friday (16/6/23). There are at least two groups of UMN students who have received this grant.
Through PKM-PI, each participant is asked to create innovations that can solve UMN’s partners’ problems. The first group from UMN raised the topic “Application of Point of Sales System through Olsera Application in Improving the Effectiveness and Efficiency of UD AMIRO’s Financial and Inventory Reports.”
“Why our team raised this topic is because that I am familiar with the business owned by my friend’s parents, UD AMIRO, which faces problems and challenges in running their daily business operations,” explained UMN 2021 Management Study Program student Padma Paramitha.
Seeing this problem, Padma and her team tried to help UD AMIRO partners through an application innovation called Olsera. This project was carried out by cross-program students between UMN’s Management Study Program and UMN’s Information Systems Study Program.
The innovation did not just come out of nowhere. Padma said that the discovery process went through one of the courses in UMN’s Management Study Program, “Technology Innovation and Management.” In this course, students are taught to produce innovations through the utilization of technology and business.
Padma and her team hope this project continues beyond the funding stage and can benefit partners and medals for UMN. “Our group has also officially created an Instagram account, @udamiro_revos, which contains all our activities. We also ask for your help to follow and like it as a form of support for us to qualify for PIMNAS,” Padma said.
Apart from Padma and her team, another group from UMN also received this PKM-PI grant. Their project is titled “Implementation of Digital Marketing to Increase Brand Awareness and Purchase Intention at Erbe Licious MSME.”
This second project is a collaboration between UMN’s Management Study Program students and UMN’s Visual Communication Design Study Program. Digital marketing is also a supporting factor for promotion to increase customer buying interest,
“We raised this topic because we want to help our partners to increase their brand awareness, which in turn is expected to increase our partners’ sales,” said 2021 UMN Management student Angelica Rahma Wibowo.
UMN Management Study Program Head, Purnamaningsih, S.E., M.S.M, hopes that these two groups of UMN students will be able to run their programs well so that they provide benefits to their respective partners. Not only that, but she also revealed that the Study Program would be committed to encouraging other students to get involved in the PKM program in the future, for example, by increasing the synergy of PKM programs through specific courses.
“In addition, the Management Study Program also provides assistance to students who will participate in the PKM program so that it is expected to open up greater opportunities to get grant funding,” explained Purnamaningsih, who was also involved in guiding the two groups of UMN students in this PKM-PI.
The following is a list of students involved in the project “Application of Point of Sales System through Olsera Application in Improving the Effectiveness and Efficiency of UD AMIRO’s Financial and Inventory Reports.”
– Yosia Budi Raharjo from UMN Management Study Program 2021.
– Aditya Tri Utomo from Management Study Program UMN 2021.
– Livia Ratna Heriyanto from Management Study Program UMN 2021.
– Padma Paramitha from Management Study Program UMN 2021.
– Vincencius Christiano Tjokro from Information Systems Study Program UMN 2021.
The following is a list of students involved in the project “Implementation of Digital Marketing to Increase Brand Awareness and Purchase Intention at Erbe Licious MSMEs.”
– Angelica Rahma Wibowo from UMN Management 2021.
– Alika Putri Andani from Management Study Program UMN 2021.
– Utami Retno Ayuningtyas from Management Study Program UMN 2021.
– Bernadeth Fresya from DKV Study Program UMN 2021.
By Melinda Chang | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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