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July 29, 2024UMN Architecture student wins Gold Prize in the Industrial Design Technology competition at The WorldSkills 2024 International (Shenzhen) Invitational Competition in Shenzhen, China.
TANGERANG—Alicia Phannely, a UMN 2022 Architecture student, is the only representative from Indonesia in the WorldSkills 2024 International (Shenzhen) Invitational Competition, which will be held in Shenzhen, China, from July 10 to 15, 2024. Competing with 29 other achievers, Alicia even won the Gold Prize in the competition, which focused on Industrial Design Technology.
“I am very proud and touched by Alicia’s extraordinary achievement. This competition is Indonesia’s first time participating in Industrial Design Technology at WorldSkills. I feel that the preparation of other countries participating in WorldSkills is more mature. However, Alicia from Indonesia can be creative and innovative in a tight and limited working time at the competition site,” said UMN Architecture Study Program Dean Irma Desiyana, S.Ars., M.Arch.
Alicia revealed that her creative and innovative abilities were inseparable from the collaboration and input from various parties. This enabled her to see new perspectives and improve and develop her ideas.
“This process helped me to continue thinking creatively and innovatively, even amid a tight timeline,” Alicia said.
Alicia Phannely’s sketch of a Tongkonan design for a desktop pen-holder in Shenzhen, China’s Industrial Design Technology competition.
In this prestigious competition, participants were asked to design a desktop pen holder that symbolizes the uniqueness of their respective countries. The uniqueness of the identity can be displayed through each country’s architecture, landscape, and symbols.
Alicia applied the traditional architectural building form of Tongkonan from South Sulawesi. Tongkonan is a traditional house of the Toraja people known for its distinctive architecture, such as stilt houses. Tongkonan is not just a house; it is also the social and cultural life of the Toraja people and a unifying family unit. Alicia said she chose this concept to introduce Indonesia’s rich culture and architectural diversity.
“I chose this building because I wanted to show the uniqueness of Indonesia, which is often only known by outsiders through Bali and the beach. By featuring Tongkonan, I hope to introduce Indonesia’s rich culture and architectural diversity to a wider audience,” Alicia emphasized.
Tongkonan design for desktop pen-holder by Alicia Phannely in Industrial Design Technology competition in Shenzhen, China.
Previously, Alicia said she had prepared herself by learning 3D applications to support the creative process in this competition. For example, by understanding how Fusion 360 works and 3D printing technology.
According to Alicia, understanding the aspects of functionality and ergonomics in architecture while studying at UMN’s Architecture Study Program is also important. In addition, sustainability is an added point to creating efficient designs and minimizing waste. Thus, the design offered by Alicia is not only aesthetically pleasing but also environmentally friendly and sustainable.
UMN Architecture Study Program Chair Irma Desiyana, S.Ars., M.Arch. (far left) accompanied Alicia in the Industrial Design Technology competition at The WorldSkills 2024 International (Shenzhen) Invitational Competition in Shenzhen, China.
Irma said that UMN’s Architecture curriculum is full of sustainability aspects, starting from building awareness, knowledge, and skills. This learning is expected to provide innovation and the creation of sustainable designs.
“This achievement really makes me happy and hopeful. I hope that with my designs, Indonesia’s uniqueness can be more appreciated by the international community. In addition, I also hope to expand my knowledge, improve my skills in creative and strategic thinking, and make valuable connections with professionals and other competition participants. May this competition not only be a place to compete, but also to learn and grow together in the world of design,” Alicia hoped.
By Melinda Chang | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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