LPPM UMN X Tangerang Regency Government Holds SEHATI Program and Share Eco Enzymes
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August 19, 2024Tour De Impact (Doc. LPPM)
Tangerang – Five Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) representatives participated in the “Tour de Impact,” which took place from August 3 to 7, 2024. They visited the cities of Temanggung and Purwokerto in Central Java to learn more about sustainability practices.
On this occasion, UMN representatives gained new insights into sustainability practices and community-based initiatives. It was also a golden opportunity for UMN to lay the foundation for future collaborations between educational institutions, local businesses, and community leaders.
The tour was attended by Andy Firmansyah, Head of the Community Service Department; Hendar Putranto, the Coordinator of the Research and Community Service-Communications Faculty; Muhammad Cahya Daulay, Dean of The Arts and Design Faculty; Samiaji Bintang Nusantara, Head of the Journalism Study Program, and Irwan Fakhruddin, Secretary of the Bachelor of Communication Study Program.
“Discovering” Pasar Papringan, Which has an Environmentally Friendly Local Currency
On the first to the third day, UMN representatives visited Temanggung City and stopped at Spedagi Homestay, an ecotourism accommodation that follows sustainable principles. They also visited Papringan Market and attended the Magno/Spedagi workshop.
“Papringan is a public space concept that combines local food wisdom, family values, biodiversity, gender equality, water conservation, sustainable design, and digital communication. I learned a lot from my new friends and family at Pasar Papringan and the Ngadirejo Village community,” said Head of the Journalism Study Program Samiaji Bintang Nusantara when sharing his experience of participating in this activity.
A little explanation: Pasar Papringan is a unique market that showcases local products from several artisans who apply sustainable practices (such as organic production, no preservatives, no added colors, and no plastic packaging).
Interestingly, Pasar Papringan has its own environmentally friendly currency, a bamboo-based local currency known as Pring.
BAF: Ecotourism that Applies Sustainability Principles
On the fourth and fifth days, UMN representatives visited Purwokerto City to interact with Bilwan Ferjanto, the Founder of Baturraden Adventure Forest (BAF). BAF is a 45-hectare ecotourism destination that applies sustainability principles and offers hands-on learning experiences about combining tourism and environmental preservation.
“BAF taught me that there is no ‘human madness’ (as Bilwan calls it) that is not met with ‘forest patience.’ Forging a productive forest to remain environmentally friendly and sustainable is about turning ‘madness’ into inclusivity and resilience,” said Hendar Putranto, the Coordinator of the Research and Community Service-Communications Faculty.
Apart from discussing the BAF, UMN representatives also attended a recording session of the “Ngopi Ngapak” podcast hosted by Andy F. Noya and Riwin Mirhadi. They also had the opportunity to visit the revitalization program of Kota Lama Banyumas and White House de Noya.
“All of these experiences coalesced into an immersive journey, opening up many opportunities for collaboration, thinking, and moving together towards real sustainability,” said Muhammad Cahya Daulay, Dean of The Arts and Design Faculty.
By Putu Wiena and LPPM UMN
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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