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November 10, 2024
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November 10, 2024Group photo session in this activity. (Doc. UMN)
Jakarta – Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) held an education program on preventing and handling sexual violence issues in the school environment. This activity, which took place at Madrasah Aliyah Raudlatul Irfan from October 15 to 16, 2024, had the theme “Power in Every Voice: Be the Change, Break the Silence.”
Student Creativity Program (Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa/PKM) Executive Team Leader Wanda Gema, UMN Task Force Leader for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence (Satuan Tugas Pencegahan dan Penanganan Kekerasan Seksual/Satgas PPKS) Intan Primadini, and PKM Executive Team Member Ananto Prabowo guided this activity, which is also carried out as a form of UMN’s service to the community.
“The PKM activity program conducted for teachers and students succeeded in increasing understanding of the issues of sexual violence, online gender-based violence (GBV), and violence in the school environment. This increased understanding is very important in creating a safer and more supportive school environment,” Wanda told UMN News Service.
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In this event, UMN also tried encouraging an anti-sexual violence school environment through education and interactive discussions. The session itself involves not only students but also teaching staff so that each element learns how to prevent and overcome sexual violence.
Wanda Gema during the seminar (Doc. UMN)
Provide Interactive Roleplaying Materials – Online Gender-Based Violence
UMN also provided various materials related to the issue. One of the materials given in this activity was about how important it is to listen to victims well in handling cases of sexual violence.
In addition to the material presentation, participants were also invited to do an interactive role-play in which they played a role according to the material. Through this material, it is hoped that participants can better understand what actions can be taken when responding to victims of sexual violence in real situations.
“The issue of sexual violence affects all; men and women can play the role of victim or perpetrator. The environment where the issue of sexual violence occurs also varies, ranging from schools, universities, public places, workplaces, and even private homes,” Wanda said.
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There was also a discussion about Online Gender-Based Violence and the importance of digital security. In this session, participants were taught how to check their digital privacy through various sites and analyze cases of GBV that have occurred, as well as identify the violence that occurred.
In addition, there was also material about the concept of gender and forms of healthy relationships, as well as notifications about services that can be contacted for those who experience violence.
Through this activity, it is hoped that participants will become more aware of and knowledgeable about the issue of violence and support, creating a safer and more supportive school environment.
“With a better understanding of violence issues, teachers and students can contribute to creating a healthier and safer learning environment,” Wanda said.
By Putu Wiena – UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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