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November 10, 2024Content creator training for housewives in Medang village (Doc. UMN)
Jakarta – Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) held a content creator training for housewives on Monday (28/10/2024) at Taman Hijau, RW 012 Medang Lestari Hall, Medang Village, and on UMN Campus.
This activity was themed “Family Digital Literacy Training and Self-Development as Content Creators for Housewives of MSMEs,” and was filled by UMN Strategic Communication Study Program lecturer Henilia Yulita, UMN Journalism Study Program lecturer Rony Agustino Siahaan, and UMN Journalism Study Program lecturer Taufan Wijaya.
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“This activity is aimed at introducing family literacy in the digital era. The subjects of this training are housewives (Ibu Rumah Tangga/IRT) to become women who remain empowered, productive, and effective in developing themselves even though socially, the status of IRT is often considered lower than that of career women or working mothers (outside the home/in the office),” Rony told UMN News Service.
What Does This Activity Do?
In this activity, participants are invited to participate in a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) session. Many residents have started MSME activities due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which made them start actively running a business by utilizing smartphones and social media.
Even though they have pretty good digital literacy skills, they are still confused about using cell phones and social media to promote their businesses.
Seeing this gap, UMN then offers a digital identity communication approach to help housewives who are also MSME players further develop themselves.
“Content creator training is a way to help increase the confidence of housewives by presenting an influential female persona on social media,” Rony said.
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UMN team with the training participants. (Doc. UMN)
In addition to FGDs, participants were invited to participate in discussion and reflection sessions related to their daily lives as housewives and business owners. They are taught to make “mind-mapping” and “a day in the life” in this self-reflection effort.
Participants were also taught about various materials supporting content creation, ranging from opportunities and challenges related to digital identity to the utilization of digital media based on family values to support MSMEs. They also received tips on becoming content creators who can produce work through storytelling and carry out soft-selling strategies.
Discussing the expectations of this activity, Rony hopes that this activity can make the participants run their businesses more effectively.
“It is hoped that with PKM activities that train housewives to become content creator personas, they will be more effective and creative in running their businesses that involve the use of digital media,” Rony added.
Want to know more about UMN’s other community service activities? Follow us on Instagram @lppmumn and visit our official website!
By Putu Wiena – UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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