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November 8, 2022The Director General of Diktiristek Kemendikbudristek RI conducted field visits and evaluations of the UMN Architect Professional Education Study Program. (Doc. UMN)
TANGERANG – UMN is preparing a new study program, namely the Architect Professional Education Study Program. One of the learning outcomes emphasizes the application of green buildings and sustainable cities.
In that context, the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia visited UMN and evaluated the readiness of this new study program on September 22 – September 24 2022.
“This visit’s purpose is confirmation. What you have uploaded will be checked for suitability. Even if it is not appropriate, time will be given to conduct revisions,” the Coordinator for Institutional Development of the Academy, Deni Kurniawan, said.
Furthermore, Deni explained that the final result of the visitation agenda would be in the form of a news report. The news will contain further processing of various permit documents from the UMN Architect Professional Education Study Program.
If it passes, the Head of LLDIKTI Region III, Felizia Novi Kristanti, said that UMN would be the first university to have an Architect Professional Education Study Program at LLDIKTI Region III.
“No universities in LLDIKTI Region III have organized this study program. If this process passes, then UMN will become the first and only university in LLDIKTI Region III that has an Architect Professional Education Study Program. Hopefully whatever the evaluator will deliver later, can be fulfilled properly,” Felizia, who is also in the evaluation team on this visit, said
One of the learning achievements of graduates in the Architect Professional Education Study Program emphasizes the application of green buildings and sustainable cities. (Doc. UMN)
Meanwhile, UMN Chancellor Ninok Leksono hoped this visitation process would bring good results. Thus, he said UMN Architecture could continue to take part in the sustainable development process. Niniok admitted that this is one of UMN’s goals to contribute to a green environment.
“Hopefully, the development program for the Architecture Study Program can provide evidence of our goodwill for a small contribution to efforts to reduce the problem of global warming,” Ninok said.
To achieve this, UMN cannot be separated from collaboration with industrial partners. Starting from the Hotel Santika Group, the Indonesian Green Building Experts Association (IABHI), the Indonesian Architects Association (IAI), to various other associations.
The various companies and associations will be directly involved in learning at the UMN Architect Professional Education Study Program. The green building concept is also one of the main achievements in learning in this study program. Thus, students are expected to be accustomed to applying these standards in their building designs.
For information, the evaluators of the UMN Architect Professional Education Study Program consist of Dr. eng. Ir. Ahmad Sarwadi, M. Eng., Dr. Ir. Agustinus Adib Abadi, M.Sc., and Felizia Novi Kristanti, S.H., M.Krim. This visitation also presented several parties, including prospective lecturers, and study program managers, to company representatives who would become partners in the UMN Architect Professional Education Study Program.
By Melinda Chang | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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