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October 9, 2023UMN’s LPPM Facilitates Basic Competition Tests for Village Head Candidates in Tangerang Regency (Doc. UMN)
TANGERANG – UMN’s Institute for Research and Community Development (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengembangan Masyarakat/LPPM) successfully organized the Basic Competition Test (TKD) Online Testing for Candidates for Interim Replacement (Pergantian Antar Waktu/PAW) Village Heads. This Basic Competition Test was attended by nine candidates for the Head of Cengklong Village and Babakan Asem Village. The village head election term of office itself is up to 2025.
The chairman of LPPM UMN, Dr. Ir. P. M. Winarno, M.Kom attended the event. This activity aims to help the village head election committee select candidates for the village head.
“Yes, so LPPM UMN acts as an independent test organizer to help the village head election committee determine three Village Head Candidates,” said Winarno.
LPPM UMN has previously conducted this Basic Competency Test Online Testing activity for prospective Village Head candidates. Winarno shared that this activity has been carried out four times in the last three years.
“This activity is a form of increasing digital literacy to village communities and introducing UMN’s existence to all corners of Tangerang Regency,” Winarno added.
The implementation of the village head election test also ran smoothly and per the wishes of the participants and the committee.
“Implementing the village head election test at UMN went smoothly thanks to the quality and facilities provided. In addition, UMN itself is already accredited A. So from the simulation to today’s test went smoothly,” Said Aal Laela Nur Aliyah SKM, M.IP., as one of the organizers in implementing this test.
The committee hopes the participants can gain more insight and know more about technology.
“LPPM UMN hopes that it can help the village to carry out village head election honestly, fairly, and smoothly,” concluded Winarno.
By Ghina Salsabila | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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