National Webinar “The Role of Social Media as a Means to Maximize Opportunities in the Digital and Industry 4.0 Era”
January 16, 2023
Birthing Young Researchers, UMN and CYS Hold a Youth Research Competition Throughout Banten
January 16, 2023Dean of the UMN Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, Niki Prastomo (right), received an award from the Nanotech Development Center and Consultant. (Doc. UMN)
TANGERANG – UMN Faculty of Engineering and Informatics Dean and researcher, Dr. Eng. Niki Prastomo, S.T., M.Sc., received the Nanotech Development Center and Consultant (NDCC) Scientist Achievement Award at the Main Meeting Room of the Graha Widya Bhakti Building, National Research and Innovation Agency, Serpong, Friday (7/10).
“It is an honor for me and Multimedia Nusantara University to receive this award,” Niki said.
Niki is known to be actively involved in the world of research. In fact, a number of his research have been published in various international journals. His research and community service activities cover the field of renewable energy—for example, research on solar energy generation.
Niki is also active as a science communicator. He often introduces science and research through content and experimental classes, especially to the younger generation.
“I believe that additional understanding of science can be fun for children [so that] it will make a significant contribution to children’s self-development,” Niki said.
According to Niki, the spirit of research can be developed into a culture utilizing empathy. He believes empathy will be the forerunner to solving various problems and innovative research ideas.
Niki also implements this spirit at UMN. Starting from initiating training and research competitions to communicating science as something fun. Recently, Niki was also involved as the head of the jury at the 2022 Banten Youth Research Competition.
Niki Prastomo, a UMN lecturer actively involved in various research and is a science communicator. (Doc. UMN)
“It is hoped that the research culture can continue to be developed. Findings, data, and information obtained through research can become a solid basis for a policy or decision to be taken,” Niki said, sharing his hopes regarding research developments, especially in Indonesia.
For information, the NDCC award is part of the Kresna 2023 Grand Launching event and the NDCC Edusmart program. Apart from Niki, the Head of BRIN Laksana, Tri Handoko, also received the award.
By UMN News Service – Melinda Chang
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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