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June 2, 2022UMN Lecturer Research Team Receives Grant from The Kemendikbud Risktek Decentralization Program and Continued Program Fiscal Year 2022. (doc. UMN)
TANGERANG – The Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) research team received a research grant from the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi/DRTPM) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek), in the decentralization program and on-going programs Fiscal Year 2022, announced Tuesday (8/2/2022). This program is carried out with the continued implementation of the Research and Community Service program which has carried out monitoring and evaluation activities in the implementation of the 2021 Fiscal Year.
There are two research teams who receive grants for the decentralization program. The first team was chaired by Ni Made Satvika Iswari, a UMN lecturer in the Informatics study program, with members Nunik Afriliani, a UMN lecturer in the Informatics Study Program, and Suryasari, a lecturer in the Information Systems Study Program. The second team was chaired by Florentina Kurniasari, the Dean of the Faculty of Business and a lecturer in the Management Study Program of UMN, with members Dennis Gunawann, a UMN lecturer in Informatics, and Prio Utomo, the Head of the Masters in Technology Management Study Program UMN (MMT UMN).
As for the recipients of the ongoing program grants, there are two research teams. The first team was chaired by Friska Natalia, the vice-chancellor for academics and a lecturer in the Information Systems Study Program of UMN, with members Julio Christian Young, a UMN lecturer in the Informatics Study Program. The second team, chaired by Adhi Kusnadi with members Ivransa Zuhdi Pane, UMN lecturers in the Informatics Study Program.
The grant funding provided is in the form of research financing which refers to the Regulation of the Minister of Finance (Peraturan Menteri Keuangan/PMK), concerning Output Cost Standards (Standar Biaya Keluaran/SBK) containing the unit cost policy for SBK Research Sub-Output.
“The regulation regulates the budgeting of research activities by considering the type, field of research, and the sub-outputs results. Basically, research funding consists of two types of funding, namely Research SBK and Supplementary SBK,” Marcella Margaretta, Research Admin of the UMN Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) said, based on references from the PPM V4 guide.
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Marcella explained that after passing the proposal selection stage, the research team prepared for the implementation of the research and started the report preparation stage.
“Results from research conducted must be shared through seminars, publications, and or patented,” she wrote.
The results of research at the university level are expected to be useful for the enrichment of science and technology as well as learning, improving the quality of higher education and the advancement of civilization, increasing independence, progress and competitiveness of the nation, meeting the needs of national development strategies, and changing Indonesian society into a knowledge-based society.
This research grant program from the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology is a forum for higher education institutions to carry out their obligations in conducting research and community service activities in accordance with Law no. 12 of 2012 Article 45.
This program is expected to trigger lecturers to be more enthusiastic in conducting research as well as to introduce the name UMN in the field of higher education as one of the leading universities with high quality. Because the research team that managed to receive a grant is quite appreciated. So that it can be said that getting a grant is a satisfactory achievement for a university.
Marcella hopes that the research produced by the UMN team can benefit and impact the wider community, and make it a step forward to reach the international research arena.
*by Annisa Maulida | UMN News Service
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