Saatnya Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi Berperan Aktif
November 27, 2019
Sustainable the Environment, UMN Becomes the Best Energy and Water Management Campus in Indonesia
December 10, 2019
UMN ranks 13th green campus in Indonesia (dock. UMN)
TANGERANG – Based on UI GreenMetric World University Rankings 2019 research, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) was ranked the 13th greenest and most environmentally friendly university in Indonesia and ranked 213th in the world. This achievement again makes UMN as the greenest Private University (PTS) in Jakarta.
In response, UMN Vice Rector II Andrey Andoko explained that UMN continues to be committed to building a green and environmentally friendly campus, proven that its assessment score is always increasing.
“As a contribution to environmental conservation, UMN continues to be committed to building an environmentally friendly campus and maintaining its achievements as a green campus at the national and world level. From year to year, UMN scores always go up. Last year, we scored 5,375 with a ranking of 248th in the world. While this year the score rose to 6,025 with the 213th rank in the world, “explained Andrey.

UMN ranks 13th green campus in Indonesia (dock. UMN)
The assessment criteria in UI GreenMetric 2019 include infrastructure, energy and climate change, waste handling, water treatment, transportation arrangements, and research and education.
Various efforts have been made by UMN to build a green campus. “We created a campus with shady trees and energy-efficient buildings. We also increase education to all UMN academics to participate actively in energy savings and related research, and improve water and waste management activities, so that they can be sorted and recycled,” continued Andrey.

UMN ranks 13th green campus in Indonesia (dock. UMN)
Similar to Andrey, UMN Building Manager Sudarman Sutanto invites all UMN academics to participate in maintaining the campus environment and improving GreenMetric UI scores. He targets UMN to enter the ranks of the top ten nationally next year.
“All UMN academic community, let’s together improve ui GreenMetric assessment score in the coming year. We want to enter the top 10 nationally,” Sudarman concluded. (CRA)
*by Chininta Rizka Angelia – Universitas Multimedia Nusantara News Service
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