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Knowledge Center UMN, one of the latest facilities owned by umn library
In early 2018, the library of Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) improved library services for visitors, by launching its latest facilities, namely Self Loan and Knowledge Center.
(Read more: Ada Pojok Bank Indonesia di Perpustakaan UMN)

Umn Library “Self Loan” application view
One of the newest facilities owned by UMN is Self Loan. Self Loan is a self-loaning tool that began to be used by students at the end of 2017 yesterday. Especially, now students can borrow or return books faster without the help of library officials (librarians).
“Its use is to remember the loan of books and the return of books and actually to invite users (students) to be more independent. It doesn’t depend on the officers anymore,” Orysa said.
There are two procedures for using this Self Loan, namely the Check Out (lending) and Check In (return) procedures. To check out or borrow books, visitors can choose the Check Out menu contained in the Self Loan machine, then tapping using the student card where available. Then the machine will detect the book. After that it will be printed proof of book loan transaction and finish borrowing the book. Printed proof of transaction must be maintained properly and should not be lost because there is a return date and the length of the book loan.
For the procedure of checking in or returning the book, visitors only need to select the Check In menu on the main screen, then put the book on the scan place provided and visitors can return the book to its original place so that visitors are required to be more independent. Meanwhile, if visitors are late to return the book from a set schedule, then the return of the book cannot be through the Self Loan machine but must go through the library officer.
To be able to borrow books independently, Self Loan is available near the service counter on the 1st floor of the library.
(Baca juga: Ciptakan Inovasi Untuk Perpustakaan, Orisa Raih Juara II Pustakawan Terbaik Se-Banten)

UMN “Knowledge Center” application view
Knowledge Center is an application that contains all digital content such as internship report data and UMN student thesis. In addition, this application is also used to store all data such as scientific articles of student work and documentation in the form of photos and videos about campus activities and UMN students. Knowledge Center is actually a development of umn Eprints that have existed before.
Library Superintendent, Orysa Mahardhini, said that students can now access scientific work in digital form to become material or references when making thesis or internship reports. Not only for UMN students but also accessible to the general public. For example, student scientific research or thesis can be accessed from the abstract section to Chapter V by logging in using the same username and password as SSO (Single Sign On). As for the general public, it can access the scientific work but for chapter IV or research data cannot be accessed because of its closed nature.
“Later this application can contain conferences, speeches of leaders, research articles that can be accessed by UMN students and the general public,” said Orysa.
Currently there are also several photos and videos of campus activities ranging from UMN campus standing to running until now.
With this application, it is very easy for users, especially students or researchers. This is because the scientific journals sought can be accessed anytime and anywhere without having to come to campus directly.
To be able to access this application, students can open via the internet at the address: https://kc.umn.ac.id/.
It is expected that later facilities like this will continue to grow along with the increase in library visitors. (YC)
By Merry Arliany– Universitas Multimedia Nusantara News Service.
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