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July 17, 2023
Congratulations! UMN is Selected to Create 99 Learning Videos on The Merdeka Mengajar Platform
July 17, 2023Chef Savira Pradiati (left), Juaneta Abigail (center), and Adestya Ayu Armiela (right) are UMN representatives who won various competitions at Hospitour UPH 2023.
TANGERANG – UMN Hospitality won four titles in the Hospitour 2023 competition organized by UPH Hospitality on June 6-8, 2023. The participants in this competition involved hundreds of students and lecturers throughout Indonesia.
The competition entitled “ETERNAL” (Elevate the Entire Resources with the New Amplified Long-Lasting Tourism) competed for more than 20 branches in the field of tourism. The goal is to strengthen the human resource of Indonesian tourism so that they are increasingly relevant to the concept of sustainable tourism.
UMN Hospitality Study Program Secretary Adestya Ayu Armiela, SST.Par, M.Si.Par is one of the UMN representatives who won first place in the Creative Online Teaching Competition at Hospitour 2023. In this competition, participants were asked to make teaching videos that could increase tourism in Indonesia.
“I used the method in the [competition] video, especially [also] for the Pastry Bakery and Food Styling course [at UMN]”, Adestya explained.
In the Creative Online Teaching Competition, UMN’s achievement was not only achieved by Adestya. UMN Hospitality lecturer Septi Fahmi Choirisa, M.Par, also won the “favorite champion.”
Septi Fahmi Choirisa is one of UMN’s Hospitality lecturers who also won at Hospitour UPH 2023.
Septi said that her theme for the competition was “Responsible Consumer in Tourism & Hospitality Industry.” This topic is also one of the teaching materials in UMN’s Hospitality Study Program. According to her, the up-to-date and relevant material to the marketing field of today’s hospitality industry is a unique value that brought her to become a champion.
In addition to the online teaching video competition, Hospitour 2023 also organized the Chef Lecturer’s Micro Teaching Competition. Chef lecturers from universities and Tourism Colleges in Indonesia attended this competition.
In this category, chef lecturers were challenged to present a micro-teaching method included with a cooking demo. Chef Savira Rizki Pradiati, UMN’s Hospitality lecturer, won 2nd place in this competition. She brought up Ayam Woku and Tinutuan dishes from North Sulawesi by changing the consistency of the soup to the sauce and making the presentation modern.
In addition to UMN Hospitality lecturers, UMN Hospitality students also won in this Hospitour 2023. UMN 2021 Hospitality student, Juaneta Abigail, won 3rd place in the Front Office Competition category.
Juaneta admitted that her victory in this competition was inseparable from the teaching material she received at UMN Hospitality. For example, case studies dealing with guest complaints related to apologising, listening, showing empathy, giving solutions, and following up with the guest.
“During the competition, I tried to apply the material (learnt in class), trying to be calm and take it seriously. Because we are often given some sudden quizzes about guest complaints in class, we are trained to think critically, which is certainly very helpful during the competition,” Juaneta said.
Here is the list of UMN representatives who won the competition at UPH Hospitour 2023:
– 1st place in Creative Online Teaching Competition by UMN Hospitality Study Program Secretary Adestya Ayu Armiela, SST.Par, M.Si.Par.
– 2nd place in Chef Lecturer’s Micro Teaching Competition by Chef Savira Rizki Pradiati.
– 3rd place in Front Office Competition by UMN 2021 Hospitality Study Program Student Juaneta Abigail.
– Favorite winner of Creative Online Teaching Competition by UMN Hospitality lecturer Septi Fahmi Choirisa, M.Par.
By Melinda Chang | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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