UMN Hospitality hold “A Day With Disney” with Disney Cruise Line
October 25, 2023
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October 30, 2023Career Talk with Bryan Laughlin. (Doc. UMN)
Tangerang – UMN Hospitality held a career talk and cooking demonstration with Bryan Laughlin, a representative of Disney Cruise Line. He provided information on jobs at Disney Cruise Line and demonstrated his cooking.
UMN Hospitality held “A Day With Disney” on (25/10) as a series of activities from the Hotel Festival 2023 event Asti Antargata. This series of activities was held in two sessions. The first session was a Career Talk with Chef Bryan Laughlin, a Senior Recruiter for Disney Cruise Line.
In this Career Talk, Bryan explained about a career at Disney Cruise Line. Disney Cruise Line is a company owned by Walt Disney that operates in the cruise ship tourism sector. On this occasion, Bryan conveyed about the work at Disney Cruise Line.
Bryan explained the qualifications before applying to Disney Cruise Line, starting from the minimum age, passport, experience, interview stages in the form of English skill assessment, pre-screen, and also a job contract at Disney Cruise Line.
Disney Cruise Line also provides various facilities for employees who work, ranging from private rooms, health facilities, Wi-Fi networks, employee assistance programs, and crew wellness. So that employees can convey what they need.
Disney Cruise Line also provides many facilities to their employees, such as Disneyland park admission, where we can access Disneyland anywhere, Disney+ access, discounts on Disney product merchandise both offline and online, and also deals for other companies that work with Disney.
According to Bryan, there are rewards that he thinks are big enough, namely the experience for employees, attracting and delighting customers, entertaining children, and other experiences that cannot be paid for.
“My life is standardization-oriented, and I set the standards. What you give to the guests and the company is very important. We also don’t hire robots or AI. At Disney Cruise Line, it’s about the people that fill our ships,” Bryan said in his presentation.
Cooking Demonstration with Bryan Laughling. (Doc. UMN).
The second session was a cooking demo with Chef Bryan. In this session, he demonstrated his cooking. Bryan cooked a Gnocchi dish, and quite a lot of students were interested and paid clear attention to this cooking demonstration.
Disney Cruise Line is open to people who want to join their team. Those who want to join can go to the website DCLjobs.com.
By Rachel Tiffany Tanukusuma | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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