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Tangerang – On (21/24), UMN welcomed the arrival of the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi/BAN-PT) assessor team for the accreditation field assessment of the UMN Diploma Hospitality Study Program. The activity was held for two days with the BAN-PT team and the UMN rectorate.
The arrival of BAN-PT’s representatives, Rini Kartika Hudiono, S.Pd., M.A. and Maftucha, Dipl. Hot., S.E., M.Par. was warmly welcomed by UMN. The UMN representatives were Dr. Ninok Leksono, M.A., Rector of UMN, Dr. Friska Natalia, S.Kom, M.T., Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Ir. Andrey Andoko, Vice-Rector for General Administration and Finance, Ika Yanuarti, S.E., M.S.F., Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Muliawati G. Siswanto, M.Eng.Sc., Vice-Rector for Relations and Cooperation, and Dr. Winarno PM, Vice-Rector for LPPM.
Ninok opened and welcomed the meeting, who was very happy with BAN-PT’s presence. This meeting is a field assessment of UMN’s Diploma Hospitality Study Program. He also hopes this accreditation can boost the Hospitality study program and attract more prospective students. According to him, this accreditation is quite important.
“I think the hospitality department is one of the most interesting majors. Hopefully, with this accreditation, it can become a camera and see the data in the field. Also, in the future, we can have a good cooperation,” Rini said in the opening session.
In addition, representatives from BAN-PT and the UMN rectorate visited the UMN Hospitality section and gave a campus tour. The BAN-PT team also toured around to see the facilities on the UMN campus and interviewed several hospitality students, alumni, and lecturers.
“We received some input from students, such as the creation of a UMN hospitality student alumni community so that if there are developments or new courses, it can be useful for hospitality students later,” said Maftucha in closing.
After many discussions and input for the Hospitality Study Program, Friska closed the event.
“We are very grateful to Ms. Rini and Ms. Maftucha for taking the time to be field assessors. Hopefully, in the future, in addition to the accreditation, there could also be a collaboration with UMN,” Friska concluded.
By Rachel Tiffany Kusuma | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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