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Signature of MOU and MOA between UMN and DJP Banten (doc.UMN)
TANGERANG – Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) has extended its cooperation with the Banten Directorate General of Taxes regarding the procurement of a Tax Center. The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Cooperation Agreement (MoA) was held at the UMN Lecture Hall on Friday (25/3).
UMN is one of the universities in Indonesia that has had a Tax Center service since 2016. The presence of this Tax Center has educated the public regarding taxation. In fact, the tax consulting service center at UMN has won an award in the “Tax Volunteer” program.
In this opportunity to renew this collaboration, Ninok Leksono, as the Chancellor of UMN, welcomes the presence of the Tax Center. He said tax literacy is critical so that people have an awareness of tax paying to advance the nation.

Ninok Leksono as Chancellor of UMN (doc.UMN)
“Hopefully, everything that we do today will be a contribution. Although it may be small, it is hoped that it will have meaning for all of us, for the progress of the nation and state,” Ninok said.
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Dionysius Lucas Hendrawan as Head of the Banten Regional Office of the Directorate General of Taxes (dok.UMN)
Correspondingly, Dionysius Lucas Hendrawan, the Head of the Banten Regional Office of the Directorate General of Taxes, also has the same opinion. Lucas hopes that the presence of the Tax Center at UMN can educate the public about taxes, especially about the younger generation. In addition, Lucas also hopes that the presence of this Tax Center can be a means of evaluating the performance of the Directorate General of Taxes.
“This Tax Center will indeed be our forum. We, the Director-General of Taxes, cannot possibly judge ourselves. [Starting from] the existing regulations [to] the programs or reforms that are made, are they already on the track, are they in accordance with the community’s wishes. So, this is what we need [from the presence of the Tax Center],” Lucas said.
Although there is a meaning of ‘hatred’ behind the word taxpayer, Lucas said there is also a meaning of ‘longing.’ According to him, the meaning of ‘longing’ is because taxes have significantly contributed to improving the country’s economy and alleviating poverty.

Group Photo at the Signing of the MOU and MOA between UMN and DGT Banten (doc.UMN)
“Let us work together to build this country, one of them is with taxes,” Lucas said.
*by Melinda Chang dan Patricia Valencia | Universitas Multimedia Nusantara News Service
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