Multimedia Nusantara University Receives Institution A Accreditation from BAN-PT
December 30, 2016
When Foreign Students Study Indonesian Culture at UMN
January 19, 2017Being an energy-efficient, environmentally friendly and sustainable campus is one of the commitments of Multimedia Nusantara University from the beginning. The establishment of New Media Tower and Tower 3 is a real form of UMN contribution to this. This commitment was confirmed by the crowning of UMN as an environmentally friendly and sustainable campus ranked 282nd internationally and 16th national version of Greenmetric University of Indonesia in 2016.
Greenmeric UI assessment covers aspects of campus environment both qualitatively and quantitaifly, namely infrastructure, energy, management, waste, water, transportation, education with economic environment and equality as the basic indicator. This activity itself is followed by 516 campuses spread across various parts of the world.
Sudarman Sutanto as Building Manager of Multimedia Nusantara University said he was proud of this achievement. “UMN’s participation in Greenmetric this year is the result of the overall management of the campus that we have done so far. We hope that in the future, we can fix the system that has not existed or has not run optimally. In addition, we are also committed to improving the system that has been good and running so far,” he said.
He also hopes that in the future UMN can also become a campus that contributes more to preserving the environment, comfortable and safe for each user. Therefore, he expects support from all parties who are active on campus both from existing staff, lecturers, students and tenants so that these ideals can be realized soon.
Hopefully in the future, UMN can continue to hold firm commitment in doing energy efficiency and become an icon known by the audience as an energy-efficient and sustainable campus. (*)
by: Grace Natali – Universitas Multimedia Nusantara News Service
Kuliah di Jakarta untuk jurusan program studi Teknik Informatika | Sistem Informasi | Sistem Komputer | Akuntansi|Manajemen|Ilmu Komunikasi | Desain Komunikasi Visual, di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. www.umn.ac.id