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February 19, 2024AI Ethics & Regulation Public Discussion Forum (Doc. Ditjen IKP Kominfo)
Jakarta, February 5, 2024 – Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN), represented by Andrey Andoko as the vice-rector, signed a cooperation agreement regarding the organization of public discussions with Atmajaya University Jakarta and the University of Indonesia.
Indonesian society is faced with new challenges. The rapid development of technology, especially in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), has affected various landscapes of life. Along with the benefits offered by AI, such as efficiency in various sectors and advances in innovation, there are also various concerns regarding ethics and social impacts.
In response, the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika/Kemenkominfo) initiated the formulation of appropriate regulations related to artificial intelligence. Speaking at a public discussion forum, I Nyoman Adhiarna, Secretary of the Directorate General of Informatics Applications at Kominfo, said that the purpose of regulating the regulation and ethics of artificial intelligence is to avoid bias, maintain user privacy, prevent disinformation and preserve the environment.
I Nyoman also emphasized the importance of multi-stakeholder cooperation in ensuring technological innovation can be utilized for the common good. According to him, applying artificial intelligence ethics is not only about optimizing the benefits of technology but also about mitigating the risks and potential problems that may arise.
Cooperation signing (Doc. Youtube)
To address these challenges, UMN, in collaboration with Atmajaya University Jakarta and several other campuses, agreed to organize a public discussion forum on the application of ethics and regulations in artificial intelligence. Through this forum, academics and practitioners play an active role in collecting relevant data and sharing their views and thoughts on the issue. This discussion is the first step in generating constructive ideas to formulate policies that are per the needs and values of society in the use of AI technology.
UMN sent a lecturer representative to moderate the discussion session in the forum. Communication Science lecturer Agustinus Rusdianto Berto led the discussion in the second session. Apart from being the moderator, Berto also played a role in determining the speakers who would attend the session.
In December last year, the Ministry of Communication and Information issued a circular letter on the ethics of artificial intelligence. However, according to the Ministry’s Director General of Public Information and Communication, Usman Kansong, this step is not yet legally binding, so a more comprehensive regulation is needed.
By Ivana Aulia | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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