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July 30, 2024The launching of the book “Beyond the Eyes: The Important Role of Visual Communication in Consumer Decisions” by Dr. Arsa Widitiarsa, together with the chairman of ASPIKOM.
Tangerang – Universitas Multimedia Nusantara’s (UMN) Faculty of Communication Sciences lecturer, Dr. Arsa Widitiarsa, together with the Association of Higher Education in Communication Sciences (Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi/ASPIKOM) recently launched a book entitled “Beyond the Eye: The Important Role of Visual Communication in Consumer Decisions,” on (24/07). This book discusses the importance of Visual Communication in depth. The book launch was held in Sasadu Hall, M.Tabrani Building, Language Agency, Rawamangun, East Jakarta.
The Chairman of ASPIKOM, Dr. Rini Sudarmanti, was also present at the book launch. Rini said that the book “Beyond the Eye: The Important Role of Visual Communication in Consumer Decisions” resulted from a writing workshop some time ago. Rini also advised that we must read many books to understand the science and knowledge we are interested in more easily to write books easily.
Arsa has been writing the book “Beyond the Eyes” since 2022. This book discusses in depth how visual communication influences consumer decisions and looks at various contexts, including the decision to buy, get products, services, and much more.
“I was encouraged to write a book that explores visual communication because there are not many books that discuss how this can make a lot of changes not only in terms of aesthetics but also to change consumer desires,” Arsa said.
Arsa wrote the book “Beyond the Eye” to be a reference or guideline for academics and industry. Arsa, as the author of this book, hopes that it can be useful for readers and can utilize visual communication to the fullest. The book can also be a good reference for marketing and communication practitioners, academics, and students who want to understand this topic more deeply.
“I will create and write more books in the future in the field of Communication Science, especially about Visual Communication according to my expertise,” Arsa concluded.
By Rachel Tiffany Kusuma – UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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