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December 27, 2024
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December 27, 2024The YRC, lecturers, and LATIN team directly observed the Dramaga Research Forest. (Doc. Gabri Pirlo, Journalism 2024)
BOGOR- The Young Researchers Community (YRC) group of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi/FIKOM UMN) in collaboration with Lembaga Alam Tropika Indonesia (LATIN) held an immersive learning on social forestry at the Dramaga Research Forest and LATIN Hall in West Bogor District, Saturday (23/11).
Twenty first-semester students majoring in Journalism and Strategic Communication who are members of the YRC team, along with four accompanying lecturers, were invited to understand how social forestry can help preserve nature and biodiversity as part of climate change mitigation.
Social forestry is a forest management system based on local communities to improve the community’s welfare without losing its main function, namely maintaining forest sustainability.
LATIN, established more than thirty years ago, is an organization that focuses on increasing community independence in managing sustainable forests.
The YRC and LATIN teams observed forests, settlements, and community activities around the Dramaga Research Forest. Students then conducted group discussions and created vision boards to reflect future contributions to environmental management. They were introduced to the implementation of social forestry in various parts of Indonesia and invited to brainstorm creative ideas to overcome obstacles to this implementation.
In addition, students were also invited to recognize the benefits and processing of forest commodities through tisane brewing or brewing herbal drinks (not tea) with the Asri Griya Wana Karya Permai (GWKP) Women Farmers Group. From there, students discussed the health benefits of forest herbs and the economic value of tisane.
YRC team tries tisane brewing with KWT Asri GWKP. (Doc. Gabri Pirlo, Journalism 2024)
Through this activity, assistant lecturer and YRC Project Leader Bonifacius Hendar Putranto, S.S., M.Hum. said that strategic communication plays a role in developing effective narratives related to environmental management issues, both through policy advocacy and public education.
After the activity, FIKOM UMN and LATIN showcased activities and further discussions on Thursday (5/12) at Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. The showcase also encouraged students to think critically and creatively about communicating issues related to social forestry to the public.
“This showcase helps young researchers to sharpen their critical and creative thinking skills, especially related to social forestry issues and how to communicate the message to the audience in an interesting way,” Hendar said when contacted on Friday (6/12).
One of the teams, consisting of Michelle Jocelyn, Emilly Fellicia Bati, Syanie, and Athar Nabeel, said that some ways to communicate social forestry are through product exhibitions, learning activities during holidays, and social media campaigns.
Post-activity showcase by one of the YRC groups at UMN. (Doc. Gabri Pirlo, Journalism 2024)
For the record, YRC is a group of first-year students who are specifically prepared by the Strategic Communication study program to become research assistants for FIKOM UMN lecturers. The formation of YRC in 2022 is based on FIKOM students’ ability to conduct research independently and collaboratively.
“Not only are they exposed early to research issues that are the focus of UMN studies, such as sustainability and AI, but they are also equipped with a set of knowledge and skills that are relevant to becoming researchers, such as critical thinking, leadership in the digital era, and writing report skills,” Hendar said.
By LAS | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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