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February 19, 2024
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February 19, 2024Representatives of UMN and Pradita University in the MoU Signing (Doc. UMN)
Tangerang, February 13, 2024 – The signing of an MoU by Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) and several other universities in the Tangerang City area marks a collaboration to realize the vision of a “Smart City.” This collaboration was officially carried out at the headquarters of the Tangerang City government.
The “100 Smart Cities” program is a collaboration between the Ministry of Communication and Information, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing of the Republic of Indonesia, the Ministry of National Development Planning of the Republic of Indonesia, and the Presidential Staff Office.
The purpose of this program is to guide regencies/cities in designing Smart City Master Plans so that they can optimally utilize technology to improve public services and accelerate the development of local potential in each region.
To realize this, the Tangerang City government invites universities to contribute by presenting their expertise and resources. The signing ceremony was attended by several important figures from UMN, including UMN Rector Ninok Leksono, Vice-Rector for Relations and Cooperation Muliawati, Director of the Institute for Research and Community Service Winarno, and Management Lecturer Boby Arinto.
Besides UMN, several other universities also participated in this activity, including Pelita Harapan University, Bina Nusantara University, Pradita University, Raharja University, Buddhi Dharma University, Sheikh Yusuf Islamic University, and Bina Sarana Global Institute of Technology and Business.
Tangerang City Condition Data Presentation by the City Government Staff (Doc. UMN)
“UMN plays a role as a partner of the Tangerang City government, among others, in terms of program design including community empowerment models, studies of facility and infrastructure development, helping the Regional Government realize more optimal public services through the use of information technology, and socialization, as well as improving the quality of human resources in Tangerang City,” Budi explained.
On the other hand, Muliawati expressed her hope. She hopes that UMN can help build the city of Tangerang into a smart city where it becomes a campus contribution to the people of Tangerang City. Thus, the city of Tangerang will become modern and stand in line with other modern cities in Indonesia and the world.
She added that a smart city allows the residents of Tangerang City, especially its young people, to develop and use advanced science and technology facilities and infrastructure for communication and informatics.
by Ivana Auliya | UMN News Team
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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