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April 11, 2023Jesse Jane (third from right) won first place and favorite in the “Show Your Identity” competition at ARCH:ID 2023. (Doc. Jesse Jane)
TANGERANG – UMN 2020 Architecture student Jesse Jane won two titles: first place and favorite in the competition entitled “Show Your Identity.” This competition was organized by PT Indovickers Furnitama in the ARCH:ID 2023 event at ICE BSD, Tangerang, Banten, on March 17-18, 2023.
The competition, which was open to the public, encouraged participants to express themselves through painting. Here, Jesse’s painting is unique because she drew all the strokes without breaking the line (lifting her hands). This painting wants to reveal how Jesse’s identity is formed through a series of events.
“I use the one-line technique because it tells, basically, the timeline of life. One line of life from baby to death,” Jesse explained.
Paintings by Jesse Jane using the one-line drawing technique. (Doc. Jesse Jane)
Have you ever felt pressure or felt your passion fade when working? This point might be one of the things Jesse wants to emphasize in her paintings.
There is at least one important moment in the timeline depicted in Jesse’s work: art becomes a constant obligation. Eventually, the passion for creating art leads to burnout– physical and emotional exhaustion. It then became Jesse’s turning point to start reflecting and enjoying every process of her work without haste.
“Then, they can enjoy art until they die, because [art] becomes a self-reflect. Like art is for self-expression, not as an obligation,” Jesse said.
Jesse said the inspiration for her painting came spontaneously. However, this competition eventually became a place for Jesse to express herself. “You don’t have to be serious [in making paintings], but [make this] a self-reflection [for something] that you might not want to say [or] pour out wordlessly,” Jesse said.
By Melinda Chang | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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