UMN Collaborates with ATT Group on a Recruitment Program
September 18, 2023
September 18, 2023Group photo at the UMN MoU with Wearing Klamby. (Doc. UMN)
TANGERANG – Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) and Wearing Klamby collaborate to cover recruitment programs for internships and full-time jobs. These activities can be done through job postings, career days, and campus hiring activities. This activity was facilitated by UMN’s Career Development Center (CDC) on the UMN campus on Thursday (2/2/2023).
UMN, as an educational institution, always tries to collaborate and cooperate with industry to provide job opportunities for students. Opportunities are provided to give students direct work experience in the industry, tailored to the industry’s needs and the students’ fields.
“So what are the needs of the industry? We can keep updating to meet the needs of the industry through the academic programs and curriculum that we provide for UMN students. Apart from recruitment, we can also work together to research because UMN has a research division,” said UMN Vice-Rector for Student Affairs Ika Yanuarti, S.E., M.S.F, CSA.
With the internship experience, UMN students are expected to have the ability to be ready to face the world of work after graduation, as well as being able to have the opportunity to work directly in the company where they previously did their internship.
Wearing Klamby Human Capital Head Achmad Fadhil Almasyhur said that this collaboration is a way to connect academics at universities with practitioners at Wearing Klamby, especially in the fashion field.
“UMN was chosen because, in my opinion, the alumni who have worked at Wearing Klamby have good quality. So I collaborated with UMN to provide opportunities for students to work in our company,” said Fadhil.
Fadhil hopes that many UMN students can contribute to the country and, in the future, can always advance themselves and improve their competence.
The signing of the MoU between UMN’s Vice Rector for Student Affairs Ika Yanuarti, S.E., M.S.F, CSA. (left) and Human Capital Head of Wearing Klamby Achmad Fadhil Almasyhur (right). (Doc. UMN)
This meeting was also attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, Dr. Eng. Niki Prastomo, S.T., M.Sc. and the Head of Cendera Strategic Communication Study Program, Rizky Anugrah Bangun, M.Si.
UMN’s Faculty of Engineering and Informatics in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 has followed a multidisciplinary lecture curriculum to prepare students to work in the industry according to technological developments.
“So even though we are from the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, we also open ourselves to be involved in multidisciplinary fields. So that it opens our horizons in learning about business and directs students to be able to communicate well. So the hope is that colleagues from the industry can see it,” said Niki.
In addition, Niki also explained that the fields of engineering and informatics can also be seen as one of the business developments in the industry. At this time, the industry has begun to move towards digitalization, so the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics UMN students are ready to contribute in this field.
As for the field of communication, Kiki explained that this collaboration is expected to open up opportunities for UMN Communication Science students to do internships or full-time work at Klamby. UMN Strategic Communication students are equipped with knowledge about copywriting, social media, media relations, and others.
By Annisa Maulida | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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