Inauguration of The IASPRO DPC Tangerang
August 22, 2024
UMN Signs an MoU with Musashino University’s EMC Department
September 13, 2024
(Doc. Marketing Communications UMN)
TANGERANG – On the 4th of September 2024, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) welcomed Assoc. Prof. Angela Romano from the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) at the UMN campus. The visit was greeted by several UMN lecturers and staff.
“Queensland University of Technology is a university located in Brisbane, Australia. The university has over 50,000 staff and students. We have had some very good students from Indonesia, but they are often master’s or PhD students. We are also seeing more Indonesians coming to Australia for journalism and general communications,” Angela said, opening the meeting.
Previously, UMN and QUT have come very close to officializing an agreement in 2020 between journalism at QUT and UMN. In that agreement, students can study for two years in UMN and two years in Australia (a dual degree). Unfortunately, the agreement was signed, but because of the pandemic, the agreement did not progress.
This meeting aims to discuss and update the past agreement between UMN and QUT, focusing on the differences and similarities in the curricula of both universities’ various faculties. The dual degree collaboration is a fantastic opportunity. However, many details must be discussed to make this a reality, as both universities may have different academic standards.

(Doc. Marketing Communications UMN)
Several other collaborative ideas were discussed. Angela first suggested a fun assessment activity that students from both universities can do together and do something collaborative.
“Maybe there is a class (from UMN) that might want to collaborate with my political communication class if there is something that runs from February to June next semester– and maybe the students can have an activity together,” Angela said.
UMN representatives also provided some ideas. Previously, in 2019, several UMN Journalism students and QUT students collaborated in a Digital Fact-Checking program. Boby Arinto, S.E., M.M., the Global Office Manager of UMN, proposed that UMN and QUT can do another simple digital fact-checking program.

(Dok. Marketing Communications UMN)
Dr. Eng. Niki Prastomo, S.T., M.Sc., the Dean of Engineering and Informatics Faculty, proposed a fun collaboration. Niki shared that several lecturers and students of UMN from the Engineering and Informatics and Journalism faculty are developing an Indonesian version of the Grammarly application called U-Tapis (read more about U-Tapis here).
“We hope we can collaborate together on that. I think the artificial intelligence in QUT is more developed than in Indonesia,” Niki said.
Many more collaboration ideas were explored, from inviting Angela as a keynote speaker for UMN’s guest lectures, research projects, lecturer exchanges, and more. All of the ideas presented received positive reactions from both parties, and more discussion should be conducted to make them a reality.
By Levina Chrestella Theodora
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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