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May 10, 2022Speakers at the public discussion of the Tangerang Regency PWI event at UMN. (doc. UMN)
TANGERANG – Seeing this phenomenon in our society regarding regional expansion in Tangerang that began to emerge, the Indonesian Journalists Association (Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia/PWI) from the Tangerang Regency, together with Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN), held a public discussion at the Lecture Theater of UMN. The theme discussed was “Tangerang Regency is Feasible to Expand”, Wednesday (27/04/2022).
Dr. Ir. P. M. Winarno, M. Kom., the Director of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of UMN, in his remarks, said that UMN supports this public discussion and hopes that this opportunity can be used for positive and objective discussions.
In this activity, they also invited the Regent of Tangerang, Ahmed Zaki Iskandar; the Director of Special Autonomy Regional Arrangements and the DPOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Valentinus Sudarjanto Sumito; Deputy Chair of the Tangerang Regency DPRD Aditya Wijaya; UMN Lecturer Dr. Indiwan Seto Wahjuwibowo, M.Sc.; Committee for Monitoring the Implementation of Regional Autonomy Herman N. Suparman; and the Chairperson of the Indonesian Village Government Association Surta Wijaya as speakers.
In a presentation regarding the expansion of Tangerang Regency, the expansion considers the fiscal capacity, regional potential, area, and population. Zaki explained that the expansion was carried out based on the need for the community service process.
Especially basic services, be it health, education, administration, and so on that can accelerate these services to the community,” he continued.
Zaki also added that, according to his assessment, it is better to wait for academic studies that are being done or will be organized by the regional government and the Regional People’s Representative Assembly that will be carried out in 2023.
“This expansion happened without any pressure from the community, but from our willingness to provide the best service to the community,” he said.
Award presentation to Tangerang Regent, Ahmed Zaki Iskandar, as a speaker at a public discussion. (doc. UMN)
In addition, other speakers also gave a presentation regarding the expansion. Valentinus gave a material presentation via Zoom discussing the regional expansion from a regulatory perspective; Aditya on the topic of the expansion of Tangerang Regency from the political aspect; Indiwan on the topic of the expansion of Tangerang Regency from an academic perspective; Herman on the topic of evaluating regional expansion in Banten; and Surta with the topic of the expansion of Tangerang Regency from the perspective of the village head.
After the public discussion session, it was followed by journalist training and social service activities.
Community Outreach Manager of the Research Institutions and Community Service of UMN, Andy Firmansyah, explained that the event held by PWI at UMN was divided into two sessions. The second session was a journalist training activity specifically for PWI members, and there was a test at the end of the session. However, journalism and communication science students can also participate.
“In this session, each party describes and discusses the regional expansion plan that will be carried out,” he said.
The chairman of the PWI of Tangerang Regency, Sangki Wahyudin, hopes that the training of journalists, especially in the Tangerang Regency, will help them have the standardized competence based on the press council.
“Those who take part in this training must obey the code of ethics. Being a journalist must be based on conscience and must not have bad intentions,” he concluded.
*by Annisa Maulida | UMN News Service
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