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October 17, 2022
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October 17, 2022The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding from Shopee International Indonesia was represented by the Executive Director of Shopee International Indonesia, namely Mr. Handhika Jahja. (doc. CDC UMN)
Tangerang – As an effort to expand the cooperation with the industrial sector, Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN), through the Career Development Center (CDC), inaugurated a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with PT Shopee International Indonesia on Tuesday, 17 May 2022. The signing of the memorandum of understanding was carried out by Deputy Rector III for Student Affairs at UMN, Mrs. Ika Yanuarti, S.E., M.S.F, and the Executive Director of Shopee International Indonesia, namely Mr. Handhika Jahja.
To activate the signed memorandum of understanding, on Wednesday, August 31, 2022, an offline meeting was held at the Shopee International Indonesia office located in the Pacific Century Place building. The UMN CDC team, represented by the External Student Affairs Manager, Elfira Fitri Wahyono, M.Si, was welcomed by the Shopee International Indonesia HR team, represented by the Shopee International Indonesia Head of HR, Anggie Ariningsih.
The meeting discussed the recruitment programs that will be carried out, including recruitment for active students and alums. This recruitment program is a follow-up step from the many alumni who work and active students who carry out internship programs at PT. Shopee International Indonesia. In addition to the many workers from alums and active UMN students hired by PT. Shopee International Indonesia, both parties, hope to collaborate with other recruitment activities such as the Independent Learning Independent Campus program, campus hiring, and webinars.
Simultaneously, UMN CDC invited PT Shopee International Indonesia to participate in the Graduate User Survey. In this survey, UMN wanted to get input from the industry regarding what skills students still need to improve, curriculums that might be added to courses, or other things that can improve the quality of UMN alums.
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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