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December 5, 2023The Winning Student Representatives of the Innovation Challenge (Doc. UMN).
Tangerang – Skystar conducted its second collaboration with Nanyang Polytechnic, with the theme “Sustainability Innovation Challenge.” 10 UMN students participated in this competition in Singapore from September 10 to 19, 2023.
Skystar is conducting its second collaboration with Nanyang Polytechnic. This collaboration raises the theme of sustainability with the theme “Sustainability Innovation Challenge.” 10 UMN student representatives who had passed the selection were chosen to go to Singapore to participate in this competition for ten days.
This collaboration between UMN and Nanyang has been running since 2019. Their first collaboration was held on the UMN Campus, and they will continue the collaboration program in 2023 in Singapore. This program also collaborates with two companies, Rekosistem, an Indonesian company, and Werms.Inc., a Singaporean company.
Skystar’s Head of Community, Cynthia T, revealed that this program is not merely completing study cases. Students get real study cases, which are given by companies that collaborate in this program, namely Rekosistem and Werms.Inc. So, the study cases presented are real problems in the industry. In short, the company provides this study case to get a solution output that can be pitched.
In addition to completing the study case given by the company for ten days, students also do many activities. The program has a mentoring session, prototype-making, and a learning journey where students visit several places that support a sustainable ecosystem. The last day is pitching the results they get.
In this program, students go to the field to solve existing problems. They research customers, interview customers, and see the competition in the market. Several students from UMN won the Innovation Challenge competition.
“This program is very exciting. We bonded first with our group friends, then discussed the study case together and made surveys for data. The obstacle I felt the most was that there were ideas that didn’t make sense. When pitching the results, I was also nervous and surprised to win. I initially doubted because other groups had good innovations,” said Faiza Nadira, a student majoring in Film & Animation who won the Sustainability Innovation Challenge.
Skystar Venture also holds the Innovation Challenge program to help students see and learn from real problems in the company. So that students can see the problem and solve the solution. Of course, they can also implement everything they have learned.
“Skystar itself hopes that this program will continue with Nanyang Polytechnic, seeing that they share the same vision and values. In addition, the enthusiasm of UMN students is high, so we hope that this collaboration continues with Nanyang Polytechnic and can collaborate with other campuses and other industries as well,” Cynthia said.
Rachel Tiffany Tanukusuma | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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