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The opening of TSA Training UMN. (doc. UMN)
TANGERANG – Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN), in collaboration with the Digital Talent Scholarship of the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) RI, held Data Science training for students. This training is divided into three materials: Data Visualization, Data Modeling, and Data Warehouse in the 2021/2022 semester. This training is also in collaboration with the Research and Development Agency for HR, DQLab, and the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics of UMN, the opening of the first phase of the training was done via Zoom Thursday (13/6/2022).
This training is included in the Talent Scouting Academy (TSA) program, which is one of the academies in the digital talent scholarship program developed to support the Merdeka campus program of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research, and Technology.
Many professions, especially in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), require a focus on staying abreast of technological developments, especially with the technology of the industrial revolution 4.0 and globalization. So, Human Resources (HR) can increase competitiveness by increasing competence, especially for digital talent to be left behind in the industrial revolution.
Ir. Hedi M. Idris, M.Sc., Ph.D., the Head of the Center for Professional Development and Certification, emphasized that amid the development of industry 4.0, there are new professions, and there will be many challenges such as the loss of old occupations. But there will be many new professions emerging.
“If we don’t keep up with these new professions, we will be left behind. However, there are old professions that are popular like data science, but despite so they are really popular right now,” he continued.
The head of the TSA Sub-Working Group (Kelompok Kerja/Pokja), Arif Suryanto Putro, explained that the main purpose of the TSA was to improve hard and soft skills in the field of technology and communication for students as a provision to face the industrial revolution 4.0. In addition, this training is a form of support for the Merdeka Campus program.
Arif hopes that universities are willing to convert the training in the Talent Scouting Academy program into their credits. Because based on the results of discussions with the UMN team, this training can be converted to a maximum of 9 credits.
“However, it is possible that there are some participants who only take a few themes that are adapted to their credits,” he continued.
The TSA program is one of the forms of the Independent Learning-Independent Campus program at UMN. About 23 UMN students and 32 Pradita University students participated in this program.
Dr. Friska Natalia, S.Kom., M.T., the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs UMN, expressed her gratitude to Pradita University for participating in this program. Because this training is a form of synergy between universities where programs of the Independent Learning-Independent Campus applied at UMN can also be enjoyed and followed by other universities.
In addition, Friska assessed that this program could provide opportunities for students who take part in the training to improve the capabilities of Human Resources, especially in the field of Data Science.
“Hopefully, the 1st and 2nd batch programs will be beneficial, especially for students who can be followed through interactive modules and also teach directly. Hopefully, UMN and Kominfo can continue to work together and develop this TSA program or we can collaborate in other fields,” he concluded.
By Annisa Maulida | UMN News Service
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