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June 26, 2022UMN higher-ups with KOICA representatives Lee and Febri. (Doc. UMN)
TANGERANG – Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN), together with the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), conducted collaborative discussions and evaluations regarding the continuity of the Koica – Silla – UMN Fourth Industry Revolution Technical Center (KSU 4 IRTC) program.
In a series of monitoring and evaluation visits to the KSU 4 IRTC Program, which lasted for two days at UMN, representatives from KOICA, Lee Sun Young (KOICA Program Manager), and her team visited the UMN campus on Tuesday (9/6/22).
The first-day visit of KOICA representatives was warmly welcomed by Dr. Friska Natalia (Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs), Prof Dr. Muliawati (Vice Chancellor for Relations and Cooperation), Dr. Eng. Niki Prastomo (Dean of the Faculty of Engineering & Informatics), Johanes T. Boro (Continuing Education Department Manager at UMN), Bobby Arinto (Global Relations & Cooperation Manager at UMN), and Ir. Andrey Andoko M.Sc. present via Zoom.
Also read: Silla University Representative Team Conducts Monitoring and Evaluation Visit KOICA at UMN
That day, the first discussion focused on the KSU 4 IRTC batch III project. Opening the discussion, Ir. Andrey explained that in this meeting, several points must be discussed in aim to develop the KSU program: increasing exposure so students outside the Jakarta Region can know about the program, integrating the program with Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka, and attracting more companies to participate and provide internship opportunities for students or alumnus who participated in the program.
Joint discussion of UMN and KOICA regarding the Batch III KSU 4 IRTC program. (Doc. UMN)
“So far in the last batch, the problem was that there were participants who did not commit and completed the program because they eventually got a job,” Niki said in the joint discussion. Andrey also added that there were also participants who left in the middle of the program due to a lack of warranty. “After joining the program, is there a guarantee that participants will be recruited by the company?” Andrey added.
Therefore, responding to the challenges and problems in batches I & II. Dr. Friska suggested that the KSU 4 IRTC Batch III program, which had only been implemented for two and a half months, be integrated with the MBKM program and change the implementation to 20 weeks. Some of the essential points of the proposal are as follows,
- KSU 4 IRTC Batch III program will be opened for everyone (internal and external UMN).
- The targeted internal participants are the 7th-semester active students who choose internships for their MBKM program to add participants to the KSU 4 IRTC program.
- Meanwhile, external participants will also participate in the same 20-week program as internal participants, but with a schedule change, training – 7 weeks and internship – 13 weeks.
- After completing the KSU 4 IRTC program, participants will receive a professional certificate and a job fair from partner companies KOICA – Silla – UMN.
Responding to all suggestions and responses from the leadership of UMN, Lee, the Program Manager of KOICA, said, “these are all excellent discussions and inputs for our program. However, I am not the one who decides. But, of course, the internal party of KOICA will discuss this proposal again,” Lee said.
Also read: UMN Together with Silla University and KOICA Opens the Second Batch KSU4IRTC Free-Training Program
The proposal suggested by UMN focused on the KSU program to include practicing companies working together. I hope that in the future, the KSU 4 IRTC program can continue to develop and provide benefits for students, UMN, Silla University, and KOICA.
Photo with UMN and KOICA at Skystar Ventures (UMN Doc)
Ending the discussion, Lee thanked the UMN leadership by saying, “Thank you for implementing the project and making suggestions. We really appreciate that. Thank you.”
*by Iglo Montana | UMN News Service
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