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June 10, 2024UMN & Kehati Book Review Session (Doc. UMN)
Tangerang – Kehati’s visit to UMN this time is one of the activities of the UMN-Kehati collaboration. It also marks the launch of Kehati’s new book, “Biodiversity Perspectives.” In addition to the book review, a new program at the Faculty of Communication Sciences was launched.
The Kehati book review with UMN on (05/06) was attended by Dr. Ir. Andrey Andoko, M.Sc., the Vice-Rector for General Administration and Finance; Irwan Fakhruddin, S.Sn., M.I.Kom., the Secretary of the Communication Science Study Program; Bonifacius Hendar Putranto, S. S., M. Hum., lecturer from the Communication Science Study Program also the moderator and respondent of this event. The speaker this time was presented by Dr. Rony Megawanto, the Program Director of the Kehati Foundation and the author of the book “Biodiversity Perspectives.”
Kehati is a foundation established in 1994. It plays a significant role in three ecosystems in Indonesia: agriculture, forestry, and marine. UMN and Kehati have previously collaborated on biodiversity cooperation and have joint programs.
This time, the book review provides context, discusses social issues, and stresses the importance of us as a society opening our eyes to what is happening today.
“Indonesia is a Megabiodiversity country, which means it has extensive land and ocean biodiversity. This biodiversity is divided into three, namely ecosystem diversity, species diversity, and genetic diversity,” Rony said.
Rony also explained in this book review that these social problems have existed since the Industrial Revolution. The book also explains theories from the Environmental Kuznets Curve Theory to Dasgupta’s theory.
This time, besides the book review, the Faculty of Communication Sciences launched its new program, “Nusantara Lestari.” Nusantara Lestari is a forum created by UMN to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
“We agree that sustainability is a goal that must be achieved from various disciplines reflected in UMN as what? Lestari Nusantara is a small effort to create an informal forum, and the heart of Lestari Nusantara remains sustainable,” Irwan said.
Andrey also said this program is fantastic and aligns with UMN’s commitment to sustainability. UMN is committed to creating a campus that prioritizes sustainability.
“The field of sustainability and artificial intelligence is a focus at UMN. Hopefully, with this, the sustainable aspect will be broader and can move the public about sustainability and the environment. Hopefully, people will realize that this earth is a decent and comfortable place to live in,” said Andrey about the Lestari Nusantara sustainability program.
By Rachel Tiffany Tanukusuma | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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