Towards World Class University, UMN Expands International Collaboration
February 11, 2025
UMN Welcomes Ciputra University
February 18, 2025Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) received a comparative study visit from Universitas Mercu Buana (UMB) Yogyakarta on Wednesday (05/02/25).
Tangerang, Banten—Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) received a comparative study visit from Universitas Mercu Buana (UMB) Yogyakarta on Wednesday (05/02/25). The visit took place in the Alor Room, 9th Floor, Building A UMN, and was attended by representatives from both universities, one of whom was the Dean of the Faculty of Communication and Multimedia Sciences UMB Yogyakarta, Dr. Didik Haryadi Santoso, S.Kom.I., M.A..
The visit was not only a forum for sharing knowledge and experiences related to curriculum, governance, and study programs but also paved the way for collaboration plans between the two universities. Dr. Didik said that UMB Yogyakarta is interested in developing study programs in digital marketing, digital communication, and digital journalism. He sees UMN as the right partner to realize these plans.
“We really appreciate UMN’s extraordinary achievement. In addition to reviewing the vision, mission, and curriculum, we also want to collaborate to develop study programs in digital marketing, digital communication, and digital journalism,” Dr. Didik said.
Dr. Rismi Juliadi, S.T., M.Si., one of the representatives from UMN, welcomed the collaboration plan. He shared various interesting information about UMN, including a curriculum oriented towards developing students’ theoretical and practical skills and an internationalization program that has achieved 4 stars from the international ranking agency QS Stars World University Rating.
“We believe that this collaboration will provide great benefits for both parties, especially in improving the quality of education in the field of communication and multimedia,” Rismi, Dean of the UMN Faculty of Communication Science, said.
Dean of the Faculty of Communication Science UMN Dr. Rismi Juliadi, S.T., M.Si. (left) and Dean of the Faculty of Communication Science and Multimedia UMB Yogyakarta Dr. Didik Haryadi Santoso, S.Kom.I., M.A. (right) received souvenirs from the Comparative Study activity on Wednesday (05/02/25).
In his presentation, Rismi also explained the study programs offered by UMN’s Faculty of Communication Science and Multimedia, such as Communication Science, PJJ Communication Science, Journalism, and Master of Communication Science programs. She also touched on Kompas Gramedia’s 5C values (Caring, Credible, Competent, Competitive, and Customer Delight), the foundation of education at UMN.
This comparative study session also presented various facilities and the latest technology that support the learning process at UMN, such as Mobile Journalism (MoJo). Meanwhile, Veronika S.Sos, M.Si., Secretary of UMN’s Journalism study program, added that the program emphasizes a balance between theory and practice so that students have a comprehensive preparation to enter the world of journalism.
UMN’s UMN’s Faculty of Communication Science and Multimedia (Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi dan Multimedia/FIKOM) does have a vision to become a superior faculty in the field of communication and multimedia that produces world-class graduates. UMN’s FIKOM curriculum is also designed to keep up with technological developments and industry trends. Moreover, the digital era has changed how people communicate and access information. FIKOM UMN recognizes this change and strives to equip students with skills relevant to the digital industry’s needs.
FIKOM UMN also has various complete supporting facilities, such as radio and television studios, computer laboratories, and editing rooms, to support the student learning process. In addition, FIKOM UMN also actively collaborates with various media and communication industries to provide internship and practical work opportunities for students.
This visit is expected to strengthen the relationship between UMN and UMB Yogyakarta and become a good first step towards realizing mutually beneficial collaborations in the future.
By Melinda Chang | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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