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February 21, 2023Types of Private University entrance tests – Source: Pexels/@martproduction
Types of Private University entrance tests – For those who have yet to succeed in entering public universities, there is no need to worry because other opportunities are still open to you.
You can enter a private university. Private Universities have the same goal as State Universities: to produce graduates who can compete in the world of work.
There are several things you need to pay attention to or prepare for when you want to enter a Private University, one of which is the entrance test provided by the Private University. Check out the explanation below.
Private University Entrance Path
State Universities have numerous entrance paths like the Joint Entrance Selection of State Universities, National Selection for State Universities, and others. Meanwhile, Private Universities only have several entrance paths that prospective students can take, ranging from the “independent path” (jalur mandiri) to the “achievement path” (jalur prestasi). Then, what are the common entrance paths usually found in Private Universities?
1. Academic Path
The academic path is an enrollment path for prospective students who meet the requirements and are evaluated by the new student admission committee for each Private Universities. Usually, prospective students will be asked to submit their high school or vocational high school report cards.
Usually, prospective students who take this path aren’t required to take an entrance test, as everything will be evaluated through their report card. Keep in mind that each Private University may have different requirements. It’s recommended to find the information related to the university requirements of your choice.
Also read: Several Things to Know Before Choosing a College Major.
2. Achievement Path
The achievement path is another way for Private Universities to select prospective students. This path can be followed by students who have achievements in the academic and non-academic fields.
Those who have academic or non-academic achievements during their study in high school or vocational school can take advantage of this achievement path to enter a Private University. Prospective students are generally not required to take entrance tests when taking this entrance path. Again, note that each Private University may have different policies and admission requirements.
3. Regular Test Path
The regular test path is the most common entrance path in Private Universities. Any prospective students can take this entrance path according to the terms and conditions of each Private University.
When choosing this entrance path, you are required to take a series of tests on this path. Then the entrance selection committee at each Private University will select the new students.
In addition to the tests above, each Private University also requires their students to take a series of tests to support the campus’s new student selection. Then, what tests are usually available to enter a Private University?
Types of Private University Entrance Tests
You may enter a Private University through the paths shared above. But, several entrance tests will be taken by prospective students, including:
Basic Skills Test
Basic skills tests are usually included in the series of tests for the regular path. This test usually consists of English, Mathematics, Psychological Tests, etc.
Every prospective student will usually take these tests to get into the intended Private University. So, prepare yourself to go through a series of tests.
Interview Test
The next test usually included in the Private University entrance selection is the interview test. This test requires an interview with the Private University and the prospective students. The questions in this test are about why you entered and chose the Private University to continue your studies.
For this test, it is recommended to figure out the common questions asked when applying to a university.
Design Ability Test
The next test in the Private University entrance selection is the design ability test. Please note that this test is only for certain majors or study programs.
This test is generally done for study programs in art and design. Private Universities usually conduct this test to determine the drawing skills of prospective students.
Also read: Private University Entrance Preparation that You Must Know!
Well, UMN friends, those are the types of private university entrance paths and tests. Please note that the paths and tests above are the ones generally offered by universities.
Make sure to check out other exciting articles about the world of lectures, students, careers and the like only on the UMN Official Website.
By Benedictus Adithia | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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