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March 8, 2023There are so many types of freelance writers that various majors can do. (Source: Unsplash/Super Snapper)
If you go to Linkedin, you will probably come across many freelance writer vacancies. Freelance working is currently popular because of its flexible working hours. If you’re a freelancer, you can work anywhere and anytime because you can set your own time and amount of work.
Enjoy writing and are interested in becoming a freelance writer? Let’s get to know the various types of freelance writers that many majors can do. It’s not only communication science graduates who can become writers.
Content Writer/SEO Content Writer
Content writer is the most popular freelance writing job among other types of writers. Actually, content writing is quite broad and related to the other types of writers written below.
If you see job vacancies with the role “Content Writer,” on Linkedin, for example. Not all job descriptions are the same. You could be a content writer for script writing or news writing.
But generally, a content writer writes more educational and entertaining articles, similar to blogging. One example of content writing work is this article!
Now, in addition to regular content writers, there are currently job vacancies related to SEO. This is mainly found in content writer job vacancies.
An SEO content writer follows a style guide that matches the client’s request, researches topics carefully, and uses keywords in their content to improve search engine optimization for more web traffic and sales.
Since the job of a content writer is broad, it is important that you always check the job description before applying for a job. Generally, students from communication science faculties such as Journalism and Strategic Communication often become freelance writers.
However, any major can become a content writer. It all depends on the topic and demand of each company.
Well, being a freelance copywriter is also in demand. Quoting Indeed, copywriting involves writing with the intent to persuade readers to take a certain action, such as buying a product or service.
Copywriters will use their understanding of human drives to influence their audience with suggestive phrases and words. Such content is used in promotional materials such as brochures, emails, social media, websites, catalogs, and billboards.
Copywriting and content writing tend to be used together, but these two jobs are different. Read the article below to recognize the difference.
Also read: Content Writer Vs. Copywriter.
Technical Writer
A technical writer writes factual information about products and services and how they work. Therefore, a technical writer must understand the product or application themselves, then design and write documentation to explain it to users.
The information must be written in words that are easy for the public to understand. A technical writer may write information related to user guides for software applications, reference and instruction manuals for equipment, training guides, instructional videos, or online help incorporated into software and operating guides.
They may also provide information in various other forms, including software demos and interactive tutorials, wikis, blogs, and podcasts, using videos, illustrations, and graphics.
Who can become a technical writer? Generally, companies will look for English, Communications, IT, Computer Science, Engineering, and Science graduates.
Now, have you ever heard of a ghostwriter? If not, you’re missing out! There are quite a few freelance ghostwriter vacancies on the internet.
Ghostwriters are paid writers who are paid but do not receive any credit for the work produced. Generally, ghostwriters write for books.
But, a ghostwriter is hired for the quality of their work and not necessarily for their “name” as a co-author. Hence, they are called “ghost” writers.
So what’s the difference between regular writers and ghostwriters? If a writer hires another writer, that other writer will receive credit for their writing, and they will be the book’s co-author.
If an author hires a ghostwriter, even though the book is not written by him/herself (together with the ghostwriter), the author receives 100% rights to the book.
If you work as a ghostwriter, you don’t have the right to change or sometimes suggest creative ideas to the author. All you need to do is write according to the first author’s ideas and requests.
Academic Writer
All students must be familiar with academic writing. Who would have thought, you could also be a freelance academic writer? Those who are good at researching, analyzing, and writing scientific papers and especially have good thesis grades can try this career.
According to Scribbr, academic writing is a formal writing style used in universities and scientific publications. Examples of academic writing include journal articles, theses, research proposals, books on academic topics, etc.
Academic writing follows the same writing process as other text types but has specific content, structure, and style conventions.
Interested in becoming a freelance academic writer? You should be good at and specialize in research and writing academic papers, essays, term papers, and reports for students, faculty, and others.
One example of a freelance academic writing job that you can see is an online tutor vacancy where you help students with their assignments.
Business Writer
You might occasionally see B2B or B2C writer vacancies on job applications. Well, that relates to business writer jobs too!
Quoting Indeed, a business writer specializes in writing about business-related topics such as finance, the stock market, and the economy.
They use their knowledge and network to share relevant information with their readers and offer advice based on financial trends and market observations.
Most people in this field work as freelance business writers who write material for online and print publications or as employees working for a single publication.
Other career opportunities for skilled business writers include writing business reports, business proposals, and business plans for organizations.
Employers usually require employees to have at least a bachelor’s degree. College majors often sought after include Journalism, English, and of course, Business.
Also read: Non-Academic Activities Beneficial for College Students.
Those are some types of freelance writers that various majors can do. If you become a freelance writer, you can work while studying and work without being constrained by place and time. Even though you’re not majoring in literature, marketing, or journalism, you can also become a freelance writer!
- Author
- Indeed(1)
- Indeed(2)
- Prospects.ac.uk
- Kevin Anderson & Associates
- Scribbr
By Levina Chrestella Theodora | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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