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August 1, 2024TANGERANG – A team of UMN lecturer researchers received grants for the Second Phase of the Community Service (Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat/PKM) program for Fiscal Year 2024 from the Directorate of Research, Technology, and Community Service (Direktorat Riset, Teknologi, dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat/DRTPM).
One of the proposals that passed the PKM program funding was entitled “Utilization of Innovative Learning Media for Smart Digital Generation at the Elementary School Level.” This proposal was worked on by UMN’s Head of Information Systems Ririn Ikana Desanti, S.Kom., M.Kom.; UMN’s Secretary of Computer Engineering Dareen Kusuma Halim, S.Kom., M.Eng.Sc.; and UMN’s Secretary of Information Systems Suryasari, S.Kom., M.T..
Ririn, the PKM team leader, said that this achievement was inseparable from the support of LPPM UMN, which presented mentors for input on PKM proposals. She also hopes that this funding grant will help partners so that they can get positive benefits.
Ririn revealed the motivation behind the proposal’s theme: to help the next generation understand information technology from an early age and use it more wisely.
Ririn and her team plan to implement the proposal starting August 2024, targeting elementary school children. In its implementation, Ririn said that around three UMN students will be involved as members of the PKM activity organizers.
“In implementing the activity, we will coordinate with the SI Study Program student association so that more students can be involved,” Ririn said.
In addition to the proposal from Ririn’s team, UMN also received funding for a proposal entitled “PKM School Environment Empowerment Strategy through Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence at MA Raudlatul Irfan Tangerang.”
This proposal was worked on by Dr. Wanda Gema Prasadio Akbar Hidayat, SMB., MM., the PKM team leader; Ananto Prabowo, S.E., M.Com., a member; and Intan Primadini, S.Sos., M.Si., a member.
Wanda, who also actively teaches in UMN’s Management Study Program, said that the proposal was raised so that the school environment is more aware of gender issues and sexual violence. According to her, sexual violence can occur anywhere, making it an important topic.
This proposal will likely be implemented starting August 2024 and will involve UMN students. “We, from SATGAS KS, have involved students. What will be implemented includes students helping to assist in the socialization and education of gender equality, making pocketbooks or booklets, and others,” Wanda said.
By Melinda Chang – UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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