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February 26, 2024Two UMN Architecture Students Won Second Place in the Roca One Day Design Challenge Competition (Doc. Alicia Phanelly)
Tangerang – Two UMN Architecture students, Alicia Phanelly and Theresia Winna Larasti, won second place in the Roca One Day Design Challenge. The event was held for one day on (07/22).
Alicia Phanelly and Theresia Winna Larasti, 2022 architecture students, won second place in the Roca : One Day Design Challenge on (22/07). Roca is an international design, architecture, and interior design company. It was founded in 1917. Roca continues to be developed with innovations to the environment and contribute to society.
The Roca One Day Design Challenge is held annually in all cities and is participated in by students or other architecture professionals engaged in design and architecture under the age of 30. The competition held by Roca wants to make innovative and original products.
This year, those who participate in the competition are asked to design bathroom furniture that can be applied in public locations such as bus stops, stations, public places, and others.
This competition provides potential for students and professionals as a platform for their ideas. The challenge was to create a product within eight hours. Alicia and Theresia registered online, and there was no selection process. Both students found the competition very exciting and learned new things.
“Our initial feeling was surprised to win because on average, those who take part in this competition are professionals who are experienced in their fields. At the same time, we are also happy and grateful. We hope our design can be useful for the community in the future,” Alicia said.
Alicia and Theresia received around 30 million Rupiah as a form of appreciation for winning this competition. Of course, during the design process, it was not easy and there were many considerations before they designed.
By Rachel Tiffany Kusuma | UMN News Team
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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