Freelance Work While Studying? Here’s How To Do it!
June 27, 2022
10 Potential Majors in the Digital Era
June 28, 2022Collabo Space: a space for communications students like press conference simulations, mini seminars, exhibitions, scientific discussions, and etc. (Doc. UMN)
Communication Studies is now a primadonna among prospective students. Communication is involved in every aspect of our lives. In this day and age, seemingly simple things like having superior verbal, nonverbal, and written communication can be said to be some of the most sought-after skills by recruiters. Students majoring in Communication Science are expected to communicate well and develop critical thinking skills, good decision making, and problem-solving. Deserving to be a primadonna, people with a degree in communications now have the opportunity to work in various industries, from news, public relations, and even law.
Communication Studies is also the most popular and favorite major, so many campuses provide this study program. Of the many campuses that offer Communications as one of their majors, of course, prospective students must be more thorough and careful in choosing and determining which campus is the best and can provide knowledge and quality education in accordance with what is needed by industry today.
This article will explain the criteria of an excellent private campus for those of you looking to study for an undergraduate major in Communications. If you are one of them, let’s look at the explanation of some of the following criteria points.
1. Accreditation
Although it is often considered just a formality, the accreditation carried by a study program is an important indication to show the seriousness and commitment of an educational institution in developing and maintaining its quality to provide the best for students who will become valuable and proud children of the nation in the future.
Indonesia has accreditation standards that are regulated and awarded by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi/BAN-PT). For the best study programs and universities, BAN-PT will provide the highest accreditation, namely the “A” accreditation. In addition, it would be perfect if a campus also received international accreditation. One example is the accreditation provided by the higher education assessment association, namely the ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA). AUN-QA is a university network organization that provides assessments of outcome-based education governance to members of universities in ASEAN.
2. Vision & Mission
Vision and mission are one of the essential foundations for an organization, including study programs. Without a clear direction, vision, and mission, it will be difficult for a study program to achieve its goals and maintain consistency in quality. So, make sure that you also feel confident in the vision and mission of the study program of the university of your choice.
3. Cooperation & Partnership
This is also a criterion that is no less important to consider when choosing a major. It is undeniable that good and broad partnerships are a distinct advantage that can be of added value for prospective graduates. The partnership can be in the form of cooperation with professional associations, industry players, and governmental institutions.
4. Curriculum & Achievements
A clear and comprehensive curriculum may also relate to an abundance of achievements. The curriculum implemented must also be a form of embodiment and align with the study program’s vision and mission.
5. Facilities & Infrastructure
In addition to a clear and comprehensive curriculum, facilities and infrastructure are also important points that determine the quality and commitment of a university in supporting the production of graduates who are truly competent in accordance with industry needs. The more up-to-date and complete the facilities and infrastructure that are met in a study program, the more it will benefit graduates to get good jobs in the future.
With the ever-changing times, universities must provide facilities that maintain relevance with the global standards. For the Communications department of UMN itself, the facilities that support collaborative learning are also essential. These laboratory facilities include Collaborative Lab, Collaborative Space, Collaborative Insight, Collaborative Hub, News Room, and so on.
6. Quality of Lecturers
This aspect shouldn’t be underestimated because competent lecturers will indeed form skilled graduates. A large number of lecturers with an excellent academic background profile and professional experience as a practitioner can be used as one of the criteria when looking for study programs at your target university.
Also read: Three UMN Study Programs Achieve AUN-QA International Assessment
There’s an explanation of some of the criteria you can consider when choosing and sorting out a private campus with a major in Communication. In addition to the points described above, there are other supporting aspects such as institutional track records, graduate profiles, campus social environment, student activities, tuition fees, and so on.
If you are looking for the best Communication major that meets all of the criteria above, you can learn more about the Strategic Communications major at Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN).
*by Virino Miracle | UMN News Service
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